Space mice

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Space mice are enemies in the Cheese Dreams series.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Cheese Dreams[edit | edit source]

Slow mice[edit | edit source]

Slow mice have purple fur, a large head with pink ears, white eyes, and a pink tail. They wear a cyan helmet made of glass that has an antenna with a purple ball on it. They wear green spacesuits that have an "M" on the stomach. The feet of the suit has pink soles.

Albino mice[edit | edit source]

Albino mice are the same as slow mice, but with white fur, pink eyes and a pink tail (like real life albino mice), a pink glass helmet with a pink antenna ball, a green spacesuit with a pink "M", and feet with pink soles.

Cheese Dreams: New Moon[edit | edit source]

Space mice in Cheese Dreams: New Moon are largely the same as the ones in Cheese Dreams, except that they wear grey spacesuits with no "M" on their belly, they carry a dark gray backpack, their helmet has some light on it, and only a silhouette of their face is visible. Along with this, the sprite has a different visual style.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Cheese Dreams[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

The space mice flew to earth in their mouse ship and stole the moon.

The moon escaped and was swallowed along with the mouse ship by the gigantic cat ship.

In game[edit | edit source]

Space mice are often scattered throughout the spaceship the moon is trapped in, moving back and forth among platforms at different paces. If the moon lands on a mouse, it loses a portion of its health.

Some mice can be seen inside wheels, and since they are impossible to reach, they will not hurt the moon. The others can be seen moving at different speeds across platforms usually, and can be classified into two categories: slow mice and fast mice.

Slow mice[edit | edit source]

A slow mouse

These are the most common types of mice encountered in the game. They have purple fur and white eyes, and move at a slower pace than the albino mice. Slow mice are also the kind seen inside wheels or giant ball compartments which the moon can bounce on to reach other places.

Albino mice[edit | edit source]

Fast mice are albino in colour, with white fur and pink eyes, and move at a much faster pace than the darker coloured mice. These mice are less commonly seen in the game, only appearing in later levels as opposed to the other variation.

Mice in wheels[edit | edit source]

Space mice can also be found in wheels. When space mice are inside a wheel, they will turn the wheel the other way. This will close the gate the wheel is connected to (if it is connected to one at all), resulting in the moon having to move quickly.

Space mice can also be in wheels that are not connected to gates. The mouse is usually walking, making the wheel rotate. Since the wheel is moving, the Moon will have a hard time bouncing on it. Therefore, the player must be careful when controlling the moon on wheels with mice inside, as to not accidentally bounce him into a hazard or enemy.

Cheese Dreams: New Moon[edit | edit source]

Incomplete section

This section is incomplete. You can help by adding the missing info. (Needed: Walking behaviour of regular mice and information about mice in wheels.)

In Cheese Dreams: New Moon, mice can be killed. In order to kill them, the Moon has to first hit the mouse's helmet, which will break the mouse's helmet and stun the mouse momentarily. After this, the player has to hit the mouse to kill it. If not killed in time, the mouse will regenerate a new helmet.

Gallery[edit | edit source]