Red lizard men

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Red lizard men are enemies in Double Edged.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Red lizard men are a deep maroon colour, have a horn on their nose, and a forked tongue that sticks out. They wear bronze armor and hold a trident. They closely resemble the triceratops, a dinosaur from the Cretaceous era.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Red lizard men are allied with the green lizard men, and are almost the same as the green lizard men, except they are red and have a different head. They are faster, and attack more often than their green variation. They usually come onto the screen surrounded by some green lizard men; but don't appear that many times on the battle field. This may possibly mean that the red lizard man is the equivalent of a enemy soldier's commander.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

"The gods favor ussss. We will win the war!"

- Red lizard man in level 2-2

"Soon all of Greece will bow down to the lizard men! Our time hasss come!"

-Red lizard man in level 2-1

"Ssssssssstupid human!"

- Red lizard man on to half his health in level 2-1

Other appearances[edit | edit source]

In the Factory skin
  • Factory - A red lizard man appears inside a box.