Boulders (Double Edged)

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This article is about boulders from Double Edged. For boulders from other games, please see Boulders.

Boulders are large rock hazards in Double Edged. They are only encountered in stage 3-4.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Boulders are grey and spherical. Their diameter spans about twice the height of the Spartans.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Boulders are signaled by an approaching shadow as they descend to the ground. When they hit the ground, they bounce and move in a straight line with smaller bounces along the way, usually towards the Spartans. Boulders are summoned during the Behemoth battle.

If a boulder hits a Spartan, he will fall unconscious and lose his weapon. This also subtracts a portion of his health that is larger than the amount lost from an enemy.