Spider King

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For kings from other games, see King.

This article is about spiders from Tower Fortress. For spiders from other games, please see Spiders.

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Spider King is the first boss of Tower Fortress.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Spider King is a giant six-legged green spider, with five red eyes and two fangs. They wear a golden crown with two curved horns on either side.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Spider King appears at the end of Gatehouse 3, before the upgrades room, and has to be defeated in order to progress to Library 1. They stay attached to the ceiling with a web string during the entire fight, dangling from left to right in a pendulum fashion, and performing two types of attack:
  • Fires three spider web balls at the player, that cannot be destroyed or parried with spin jumps or shots.
  • Stops dangling to spawn two small spiders bellow itself.

Once killed, Spider King will drop a chest containing 20 gems as well as a medipack.

Strategy[edit | edit source]

Since Spider King's web balls are immune to all attacks, it is advised to stay far away from the boss in order to avoid them easily. Most of Spider King's attacks are best dodged by continuously going to the other side of the room and performing consecutive wall jumps, which puts the player out of the small spider's reach. Since web balls are harder to dodge when the player is above the boss, spin jumps should mostly be used for movement and not for attack.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The achievement that comes from defeating this boss, Not Coming Home, is fittingly a reference to the Marvel film Spider-Man: Homecoming.