Panic bots

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Panic bots are enemies in Platform Panic. A panic bot is also an unlockable character in Vault!.

General appearance[edit | edit source]

All panic bots have a gold head with a blue flashing light on it, horizontal slits on there head with red lights for eyes, and a mouth. They generally have a purple body.

General game information[edit | edit source]

Panic bots in general constantly move horizontally and kill the player on contact.

All robots can be killed by the Plumber's jump ability.

Regular panic bots[edit | edit source]

Regular panic bots are commonly encountered enemies in Platform Panic. A walking regular panic bot is an unlockable character in Vault! and Go Pogo.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

In Platform Panic walking panic bots come in two forms: a walking and hovering form. The walking form is the most common and appears as a robot with a gold head and a purple body with arms and legs, the robot having claw-like hands and tiny flaps for feet. The hovering form replaces the robot's legs with jetpacks that allow it to hover.

In Vault!, only a regular panic bot appears.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Platform Panic[edit | edit source]

Both variations of regular panic bots walk horizontally back and forth, turning at walls. The walking panic bot walks around, while the hovering variant has the ability to hover. Regular panic bots move slower than the player and are often encountered with a single panic bot occupying a platform, though in rare instances two walking panic bots may walk on the same platform and pass through each other when they meet.

In the jungle background introduced in Update 2, a large regular panic bot being built appears.

Vault![edit | edit source]

A regular panic bot can be unlocked for 300 coins. If the panic bot impacts any hazard, it will explode.


Gopogo[edit | edit source]

A regular panic bot can be unlocked for 110 coins. If the panic bot impacts a hazard, it will explode.

Redungeon[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

Panic Bot can be unlocked for 10000 coins. His permanent effect limits his lifetime to 20 seconds (25 when upgraded) as a result of its battery. The battery life can be expanded by looking for electrical hazards. His other ability, Panic Laser, shoots lasers from his eyes, but reduces the battery by 20% (15 when upgraded).

Leap Day[edit | edit source]

Panic bot is a character in leap day.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Jumping panic bots[edit | edit source]

Jumping panic bots are a less common encountered panic bot in Platform Panic.

Jumping panic bots have the head of a regular panic bot and a torso consisting of an extendable metal spring-like object with spikes on the bottom.

The second variation of panic bots moves horizontally and do so by jumping, jumping as high as the player and covering the same distance but taking a short amount of time to follow up with another jump, though unlike the player when this type of panic bot jumps it goes straight through any platform.

Drill tanks[edit | edit source]

Drill tanks are a type of panic bot introduced in Update 2 of Platform Panic.

Drill tanks appear as regular panic bots but with a slight change: their torso is smaller, their arms are smaller and have drills attached to them, and their legs are replaced with tank treads.

Drill tanks first move at a regular speed, but immediately and quickly charge towards the player when the player is on the same platform as the drill tank, even if the Drill tank is not facing them when the player is on the same platform as them. Drill tanks will turn around if the player gets behind it. The vision of a drill tank can be blocked by walls in front of them.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The heads and arms of the panic bots are similar to LEGO Minifigures.