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Clive is a character in Platform Panic.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Clive appears as a bald old man who is completely white.

Game information[edit | edit source]

See also: Characters (Platform Panic)#Game information

Clive can be unlocked for 400 coins.

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Clive's special ability is score hack, which lets player start with three additional points.

Description[edit | edit source]

He keeps rambling on a electric car

Influence[edit | edit source]

Clive was named after Clive Sinclair, who came up with the ZX Spectrum. Furthermore, Clive's sprite is based off the graphics of the system in question, also being influenced by the characters Colin the cleaner, Hen-House Harry from Chuckie Egg, and Captain Viridian from VVVVVV.[1]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Game Developer's Blog - Nitrome: More Gunbrick! → comment by Nitrome: Clive Sinclair was the inventor of the pocket cculator [sic] and the Spectrum. But the sprite being a spectrum [sic] based one is like Colin the cleaner, Chucky egg or VVVVVV, 24 Dec 14, retrieved 24 Dec 14.