Nitrome Wiki:Nitrome blog post rules

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This page contains rules and ideas for writing a blog post for the Nitrome blog.

The blog post[edit | edit source]

All Nitrome Wiki blog posts will contain a link to the Nitrome Wiki, a disclaimer that states that the blog post is fan written, and if necessary, a link to a designated article on the Nitrome Wiki along with the Nitrome Wiki link. The link to the Nitrome Wiki will always link to the front page.

Topics[edit | edit source]

Allowed[edit | edit source]

Here are some topics that may help you think of what to write.

  • You can speculate about content, such as (not restricted to, but some ideas):
    • Evidence that points to what Nitrome may be up to
    • Picking things (such as videos) apart for clues on what Nitrome may be planning
  • You can do an article that talks about an enemy, character, etc.. You can provide a short history of the character or other information people may not know.
  • What if Nitrome did a sequel to a certain game

These are just a few helpful pointers on what to write for a blog post. Feel free to write about any ideas for a blog post you may have. If you have an idea, but want to know if you can write about it, feel free to send your idea to NOBODY at nitromenobody[at] , and he will decide or ask Mat Annal if it can be written about.

Not allowed[edit | edit source]

Although you are free to write about practically anything, one topic that should not be written about should be content pertaining to content Nitrome plans to revealed, but has not revealed on their blog yet. Content that falls into this category is content like finding an Avatar before it can be used, etc..

Content such as reviews are not allowed. If you are not sure whether what you are writing about is allowed, feel free to message NOBODY at nitromenobody[at]

Rules[edit | edit source]

  • Anyone can write a blog post. However, for purposes of sending it to NOBODY, you have to have an account. Create an account here.
  • Please do not use any profanity.
  • Try to write in proper English and use proper English grammar. Don't feel bad if you do have grammar or spelling errors in your blog post, as they will be corrected; just try to write in proper English and use proper English grammar.

Sending your blog post[edit | edit source]

When you have written your entire blog post, simply send your blog post to NOBODY at nitromenobody[at] . Once NOBODY receives your Email, he will send the blog post off to another person to proofread, and after receiving the proofread Email back, he will send it off to Mat Annal.

Questions? Comments?[edit | edit source]

If you have any questions or comments, feel free to post them on Project talk:Nitrome_blog_post_rules or email NOBODY at nitromenobody[at] .