Mines (Submolok)

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This article is about mines from Submolok. For mines from other games, please see Mines.

Mines are hazards in Submolok.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Mines are brown-coloured, and are attached to a chain. In the middle of the mine there is a small green circle, which turns red upon being activated. There are poles pointing at all directions of the mine.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Mines always appear in water, and if Submolok makes contact with them, they will charge for a few seconds, with their circle becoming red-coloured, and then explode. If Submolok is caught in the radius of the explosion, he will lose a heart.

Mines can also be triggered if Submolok's bombs hit them, though the mines will not explode instantly.

Trivia[edit | edit source]