Gems (Bomb Chicken)

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This article is about gems from Bomb Chicken. For gems from other games, please see Gems.

Gems are pickups in Bomb Chicken. They can be used to gain additional lives in between stages.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

In-game, gems appear to be a square with snipped off corners. Each gem has a dark blue square-shaped centre and a light blue inside border. On the HUD, the gem in the counter is diamond shaped with snipped off corners, but retains the same colouration. The gem counter below the chicken statue in the checkpoint rooms retains the same orientation as the gems in the game.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Gems are located throughout each level, excluding levels with boss fights. Depending on their location, gems are picked up using either the chicken directly or using a bomb. Some gems will be found in secret areas and all must be collected in order to complete a level 100%.

The player must exit a room without dying in order to save the current amount of gems that they have collected. Dying in a room after collecting gems will cause the gems in that room to be reset to their initial position. Any gems obtained in previous rooms will be retained, even after the player dies or gets a game over.

Placement[edit | edit source]

  • Loose gems can be found in a fixed position in the air. These gems cannot be obtained with a bomb and require the chicken to touch them in order to obtain them.
  • Some gems are found embedded in destructible blocks and require the player to use a bomb in order to destroy the blocks and collect the gems. These gems can vary in size, but each destroyed block will only increase the gem counter by 1, regardless of how big they are.
  • Gems can be located inside treasure chests, which require a bomb to be detonated near them to be opened. Once opened, the chest gives five gems.

Function[edit | edit source]

Gems can be spent in the checkpoint room in between levels. If the player has the required amount of gems indicated under the chicken statue, they can place a bomb in the statue's stomach to gain an extra life. The required amount of gems is then subtracted from the player's current gem count. Each additional life becomes more expensive.

If the player places a bomb inside the chicken statue but does not have the minimum number of gems indicated, the heart will beep red and crack in half. This is followed by a message telling the player, "We demand more blue gems" or "We don't have enough gems". Placing a bomb inside the chicken's stomach subsequent times without the required amount of gems will cause these two messages to alternate.

Lives[edit | edit source]

The following amount of gems are required to gain an additional heart:

Heart Cost (gems)
1 5
2 20
3 40
4 80
5 100
6 130
7 175
8 250

Final boss[edit | edit source]

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

In the final boss fight, gems appear embedded in the body of the boss after the player blows up the boss' bulges. These gems must be destroyed with bombs to weaken the boss so that the player can land a hit.