White knight

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This article is about knights from Tiny Castle. For knights from other games, please see Knights.

The white knight is a boss that appears midway in Tiny Castle.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

This boss is clad in white armor with a red cross-like design. He wears a barbute, a helmet with a T-shaped opening for the eyes and mouth.

Game information[edit | edit source]

The white knight appears in the stained glass window room, and upon the player entering it, he jumps out of the window and moves around. When killed, he falls down (much like the skeletons). He attacks with a mace and can damage the player even if the player is not that close to him.

Although being hard to kill, he takes four blows before dying. The only way to kill him is to stand on a block on the bottom right side of the room, and strike his head when he comes close. This way, he cannot hurt the player, while the player can hurt him. He seems to be energetic, as his body periodically moves up and down while he walks.

White knight's chest glitch[edit | edit source]

If the player does not open the chest next to the white knight and kills the white knight, the chest will open but will not drop any gold coins

Trivia[edit | edit source]