User:Emitewiki2/Nitrome wiki comic

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The Nitrome wiki comic is a comic that can be edited by anyone, if they make a picture.


1. You must first make a scene, and then put the words/captions underneath it; like this: File:Nitrome scene (Dragons).png

  • White Dragon: Hi
  • NOBODY: Oh! Hello!

2. The characters must be either a Nitrome Character, a Nitrome wiki user, or a Nitrome wiki user's pet.

3. Use good grammar and spelling.

4. Most importantly: Please don't make the story extremely confusing. No making people explode randomly or rabbit ningas pop out of the sky.

Try to make your image as a .png image please, and Have fun editing!

File:Aixy's Living Room party.png

Aixy was having a New Years Eve party at his house.

  • Grammer Cat: Great Party!
  • NOBODY: Yea, this is awsome!
  • Random-storykeeper (stuffing her face): Mmmmmm! Good fish!
  • Aixy: Hey! Don't eat all my fish!

File:Glowing Fish on Plate with fin.png

  • Random-storykeeper: Why is this fish glowing?
  • Aixy: Don't eat that!

Random-storykeeper finishes chewing and says:

  • Random-storykeeper: *Gulp* Why not?
  • Aixy: You ate it, didn't you......
  • R.S: Yes. Woah! I feel weird!

Zt-freak came in the room.

  • RSK: Err... yes.
  • Zt-freak: Where is it then?
  • RSK: In my stomache.
  • Zt-freak: That's bad. If you eat raidioactive fish, you will turn green, swell up, and explode.
  • Grammar Cat: Look! She's already greenish!
  • RSK: Oh no!
  • Zt-freak: If you arn't back to normal by New Year's Day, you will explode into toxic waste.
  • NOBODY: Then Toxic will come and put you into a sample!
  • Grammar Cat: NOBODY!
  • RSK: But how will we find a cure?
  • TCG: The Hyper Heal Berry!
  • Axiy: What?

File:The Hyper Heal Berry!.jpg

  • TCG: There is a legend of a Berry in a cave in Freezing Lake that cures all illnesses!
  • RSK: Then what are we waiting for? Let's get that berry!
  • ???: I can help you with getting there.
  • Axiy: Who said that?
  • ???: You cannot see me. I am but a shadow.
  • Grammar Cat: Well how can you help us get to Freezing Lake?
  • ???: I can ShadowShade you there.

Three strange shadow-people apear around the gang.


  • ??? (All Three): I can only ShadowShade you to an underground tunnel leading to Freezing Lake. Will that do?
  • RSK: Ok.

The gang apears at the entrance to an underground cave, but the tunnel is longer and more confusing than they expected. Then, out of nowhere, someone appeared.

  • Everybody but the "Strange": WAAAAAAAAAAHH!!
  • "Strange": Привет!
  • Axiy: He must be an alien speaking in a foreign language!
  • "Strange": No, I'm Lilonow, friend of ours, or Lilo for short. I was just speaking a little of russian, I've said "Hi!".
  • TCG: What you're doing in here?
  • Lilo: Oh, I was with Aquanaut in a trip, but when I was going to swim I got lost, then I've found this little cave.
  • TCG: Oh, that's why you got the scar in you face...
  • Lilo: Noooo, I've drew with paint. Cool, isn't it? ^^ But what you guys are doin' here?
  • NOBODY: We have to find a way to Freezing Lake fo find a magic Berry to cure RSK. We've got here with the help of three guys... Hey, where they are?
  • Lilo: Listen, I know all the way to Freezing Lake by here, cause I've swim all the way here, I can guide you guys.
  • RSK: So let's go... I'm getting weaker and weaker!

Then, the gang travelled across the tunnel. However, it was hard to see in the tunnel, and TinyCastleGuy got lost and went through a different tunnel.

File:Tokyo Panic.jpg

  • TinyCastleGuy: Yikes! This isn't Freezing Lake! It's Tokyo! And a giant red glowing Parasite is attacking the mall!
  • TCG: The Wizard?
  • TCG: That sounds familiar...
  • TCG: Oh! That must be where Zt-freak got it!
  • Parasite: WELL, I MUST KILL YOU NOW!!
  • TCG: Look who's here!
  • Parasite: HUH?
  • Barry: Nobody kills my friends!
  • TCG: No, NOBODY is nice.
  • Barry: NO! I mean nobody kills my friends! Mecha Saur! Go!
  • Mecha Saur: ROARRRR!

Mecha Saur shoots a laser out of it's mouth at the Parasite.

  • TCG: Thanks, Barry. Now I need to find the Wizard!

Meanwhile, the Wikians are in the tunnel, the walls getting bigger and bigger and it is starting to look like a cave.

  • Lilo: Where's TCG? And... What that stuff are?
  • NOBODY: I've heard about them... They're poison virus, and when they touch someone this person gets poisoned with PURE EVIL!!! Everybody GET OUT OF THEY WAY!

The viruses try to reach the gang; everybody dodges except Lilonow. The viruses then get away.

  • Emitewiki2: Lilo? Are you good?
  • RSK: Great... Now the one who knows the way is poisoned with evil... I guess I can stay well for some time but we stil better hurry... Also he must be with us so he can get well again with the berry. Even if he wants to kill us.
  • Lilo: No... I am NOT going with you! I will destroy YOU ALL and I know HOW TO DO THIS!

Then Lilonow got away in the another way of the tunnel.

TinyCastleGuy was in the mall, looking for the Wizard.

  • ???: I will help you look for him.
  • TCG: Oh! ShadowShade guy!
  • ???: Hey! Look over there!

TCG looks, and he sees a pink cat selling green glowing fish.

File:Radioactive Fish Sale.jpg

  • Salesman: Fish! Fish for sale!
  • TCG: That's a weird table. Wait, that pink guy with the moustache is selling radioactive fish!
  • ???: He must be the Wizard in disguise.
  • Wizard: Here you go, have a nice day. Oh! Would you and the ghost like some fish?
  • TCG: No. We know who you are.
  • Wizard: Why, you do?
  • TCG: Yes! Now tell me, did you sell some fish to a Zoroark Pokemon?
  • Wizard: I am Baron Clause. And, no, I didn't.
  • Lie Detector: LIE ALERT! LIE ALERT!
  • TCG: My Lie Detector says your lying.
  • Wizard: Fine. I am the Wizard, and I did sell this radioactive fish to Zt-freak.
  • TCG: Ok. Now we shall kill you.
  • ???: ShadowSwallow!

The shadow eats the Wizard.

  • TCG: Yay! Now to get to Freezing Lake!
  • Speaker: Attention. The mall is now closed.
  • ???: Exept we're on the elevator!!
  • Evil Laugh: MWAHAHA!
  • TCG: Who was that? And how did he get us into the elevator?

The door closes, goes to the 5th floor, and opens.

  • ???: Great. We're stuck in a mall.

Lilonow went through his tunnel, looking for a way to destroy the Wikians.

  • Lilonow: @#$%! Where is all this poisonous gas coming from?! Well at least this is completly harmless poisonous gas. (How does THAT make any sience?)
  • Lilo: Oh! It's Justin Bennet's @#$%^& Trubbish.
  • Trubbish: Trubb! Trubbish!

File:Lilonow and Trubbish.jpg

Trubbish headbutts Lilonow and he falls to the ground.

  • Lilo: Ow... Hey! Where am I?!
  • Trubbish: Trubbish. Trub trub trub. (You were evil so I knocked the virus out)
  • Lilo: Oh! It's a good thing I took Pokemon understanding class.
  • Trubbish: Trubbbbbbish! (The Wikians are in another tunnel I think.)
  • Lilo: Thanks Trubbish.
  • Evil Laugh: Mwahaha!
  • Lilo: AGG!!!!!

Lilonow wakes up in an elevator on Floor 5 of the Tokyo Mall.

  • TCG: Lilonow! When did you get here?

So Lilonow tells TCG the story.


  • TCG: What do we do now?
  • Lilonow: I don't know... Maybe wait. Uh, did you noticed the roman numerals?

Later with the Wikians...

  • NOBODY: The DNA in our bodies are fading!
  • RSK (Fading): Look... Freezing lake......

File:The Exit.jpg

The Wikians wake up in a cave with a palm tree with a shiny berry!

  • RSK: The Hyper Heal Berry!
  • Emitewiki2: Eat it RSK! Quick!

RSK puts the berry to her mouth, but...

  • Evil Laugh: Mwahaha!


  • RSK: Ah! How did we get in this elevator? Where is the berry? TCG! Lilo! Mystirous Shadow!
  • TCG: It's a long story.


  • TCG: Oh no! It's almost the New Year!
  • Lilonow: RSK is doomed!
  • RSK: And when i explode the toxic waste will splatter the elevator, and turn all you guys into zombies!
  • Axiy: Goodbye, world!

The elevator door suddenly opens, revialing Cuboy, Blueboy, and a lot of other cubes and Pokemon.

  • NOBODY: Blueboy!
  • Blueboy: SOMEONE had to save you!
  • Moon Light: I can't beleive you almost had to spend the new year as zombies stuck in an elevator in Tokyo.
  • Gothcube: Wait, isn't it the New Year in Tokyo?
  • RSK: Oh yeah! OH NO!!!!

RSK swells up bigger and bigger, toxic goo spitting out her beak.

  • TCG: Quick! Where is the berry?!
  • Evil Laugh: Mwahah...

Lilonow storms over to where the voice is coming from, and he sees the shadow.

  • TCG: You?!
  • ???: No, it's coming from my stomache!

Lilonow and TinyCastleGuy jump into the shadow, RSK exploding after them.

  • Lilonow: Random-storykeeper just died! THE WIKIANS DIED! NOOOOO!!!!!!!
  • Wizard: I will zap you with a Mega Laser!
  • Both Wikians: YOU!

TCG and Lilonow ram into the Wizard, sending him into the shadow's core.

  • ??? (From the outside): You have one last chance! Get to my brain! NOW!

The duo runs through the dark insides of the shadow, evil black fire chasing after them.

  • TCG: Look, the dark brain!
  • Lilo: It's surrounded by electricity! How can we...

TCG grabs Lilonow and throws both of them into the brain.

  • ???: 5 seconds intil Nitrome Wiki destroyed!
  • ???: 4 seconds!
  • Lilo: Look! An image of the berry and RSK!
  • ???: 3 seconds!
  • TCG: Jump in it!
  • ???: 2 seconds!
  • Lilo: Ok!
  • ???: 1 SECOND!!!!!

The duo jumps into the mindwave, sending them into time warp...


An hour later...

  • Everybody: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!
  • Blueboy: And look what I put on the celing!

The Wikians look up, and see mistletoes everywhere.

  • RSK: Ahh!

The gang runs out the door, the pets come, and they all celebrate New Year's.

  • Cuboy: Yay! New Year!
  • Lilonow: Goodbye 2011!
  • NOBODY: And to think we almost had RSK explode and us turn into zombies in an elevator in a mall in Tokyo!
  • Everyone: ...

Everybody bursts into laughing and plays in the snow, even Austin and Justin having a good time.

  • Lilonow: Hey what ever happened to shadow?
  • ???: Don't worry. I will still lurk around when you get stuck in tunnels and malls.
  • Lilo and TCG: Hahaha!
  • RSK: Thank you all for this Happy New Year!
  • Grammar Cat: You forgot one thing.
  • NOBODY: What could we possibly forget?
  • Grammar Cat: It's nice to have a symbol of a New Year. Like a Nitrome Wiki pet.

Grammar Cat opens a box and...

  • Kitten: Meow!