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36 This user has proudly beaten 36 Nitrome games!

Wait, I lost count, is it really 36?

NitromeTouchyApp.png This user once owned Nitrome Touchy but only the free version.

Actually got it after it was taken down.

zh-N 這個用戶的母語中文


en-3 This user has an advanced level of English.

Would you like some tea?


BCMonomial, or Xiaoyuyu here. Either will be okay if you need to call me.

From China, now an active member in Chinese Nitrome community.

About me[edit | edit source]

Got to know Nitrome at a really early age, back in 2007. That year I was only five and my family bought a computer. So obviously, I was led to some game collection sites(actually pirating sites) and then recognized some symbols, if not a word as I knew nothing about English that year. These games were fun but hard, so I merely beat one that time.

Then in 2013, when I really got to use the Internet, the Chinese Nitrome community was the first communities I ever participated in. Naturally, at such a young age mistakes and naiveness was the majority of me that time. Then gradually I changed and the community changed too, with many members leaving for inactivity.

My main contribution to the Chinese community are organizing some events (role-play story chains, Story Teller, painting chains) and editing Chinese Nitrome Wiki(although only began recently, as there were no active users for a long time). Sadly half of the events were suspended, with the lack of active members and enthusiasm.

About our community[edit | edit source]

Nitrome BarNitrome吧, that's how we call our community in China. This name originated from a website called Tieba贴吧, a forum like reddit in comparison. Every community on it is called a Bar so that's how Nitrome Bar come here.

Tieba is in a really poorly managed situation at present so it is less used as time goes by. Now I'd call the combination of Nitrome-related groups on QQ(if owned by us), the original forum, the Chinese Nitrome Wiki, as Nitrome Bar in a whole.

I'm currently a moderator of the forum, and an admin of the Chinese Nitrome Wiki.

The peak appeared in 2013 as Icebreaker: A Viking Voyage was published. Rovio + Nitrome = a flow of players flooding into the community. However, our community had been constantly shrinking since 2015, when less member came in and more left. Our hardest time should be around 2017, during which some arguements broke out, resulting in some leaving and others struggling to keep this community alive. On the contrary 2017 was the best year since 2015 in fact, too, when the number of activities were the highest, and when one of us even ordered some Yolk plush as gifts.

Changes happened in 2019, when Nitro began posting Nitrome-related videos on BilibiliB站, a Chinese video site. We proved that ther are many people who once played Nitrome games and are foud of Nitrome, and many were attracted into our community. Now we are gaining popularity among Nitromians in China, having more members, more things to do, and more topics to chat around.

You can ask me anything regarding the Chinese community if you like.