User:Axiy/Rahama's Mission

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RT Garry Walking.gifHistory Rules RT Garry Walking.gif

  • The Characters may be the users of this wiki, their pets or Nitrome characters or enemies.
  • Don't kill any user, pet, or other stuff that users own in this story but bad characters (not users or pets) can be destroyed.
  • Don't make random things happens, how stuff exploding randomly, stuff falling from sky without a reason, etc. Also, use good sense, and don't do, for example, just bad or good things happening.
  • Put bullets (*) before the characters' name when he or she talks.
  • Most Important: NO VANDALISM!
  • Use good grammar.
  • Make sure the top main characters do most of the stuff.
  • Feel free to add images done by you and have fun!

RT Boss Walking.gifTop Main CharactersRT Boss Walking.gif

  • 1. Rahama (Including Ancestors)
  • 2. Robotic Rahama (Including Ancestors)
  • 3. Axiy (Including Ancestors)
  • 4. Lilonow (Including Ancestors)
  • 5. Max (Including Ancestors)

Knights (Knight Trap).pngPrologue[edit | edit source]

Everybody goes to the Russian Mueseum of History.

  • Axiy: Yay, here we are the museum.
  • Rahama: Hey, did I tell you about my kids?
  • Axiy: Yes, this is the second time.

File:Mueseum Rahama PNG.png

  • Untesty: I wanna see my ancestors!
  • Axiy: Soon.
  • Mueseum owner: 6 Rubles please.

Everybody goes into the mueseum.

  • Axiy: Look, Admiral Ackbar's skull.
  • ​Robotic Rahama: Hey, are those IJZM and Takeshi 64?
  • Axiy: Takeshi, IJZM!
  • Mechayang: Ok brother.

Back at the museum.

  • Axiy: Hey look, the guy with the staff Mystery and me talked about.

File:IJZM Takeshi Mueseum PNG.png

  • Untesty: Let me call my friend on my sattelite!

Untesty calls the Sattelite guy.

  • Untesty: Hey, I found some awesome guy, come down to see it!
  • Sattelite guy: Ok!

The sattelite crashes into the mueseum.

  • Axiy: RUN!!!

Everybody runs away the the viking guy teleports everybody to the past (including Mystery).

Trap Officer 1.png Chapter I 4000 BC[edit | edit source]

  • Axiy: Where are we?

File:Rahama Mission Preview.png

  • Axiy: Wait a second, is that Lilonow and Max down there, seems like everybody came here.
  • Lilonow: Axiy?
  • Axiy: Come guys lets get down.
  • Untesty: Come on my rope!

File:Rahama scare T-Rex.png

Everybody gets down and the T-Rex gets scared of Rahama and the T-Rex ran away.

  • Axiy: Rahama, did you scare him?ancestor, Akiytu gets out of the ground and bites the catterpillar.
  • Axiy: Now we know our past, it's starting to get intresting.
  • Robotic Rahama: I remember this, I was just a wheelchair.
  • Lilonow: Look, other users ancestors!
  • Axiy: Hey, your right I can see people that look alot like the users ancestors.

Everybody runs to them.

  • Untesty: Yeah, this is fun, you stay here Akiytu.

File:History Run.png

  • Axiy: Wow!
  • Untesty: I wonder what Mechayin is doing.

Back at Axiyland.

  • Mechayin: Watch out a Weresquare!

File:Mecha Think.png

  • Mechayong: I miss Rahama so lets crush the 546465th Weresquare.
  • Mechayang: Lets make a nice purple bed for him!
  • Mechayung: Good idea!

Back at the past.

  • Past Axiy: Hey look, I used to be a plant.

  • Past Rahamigo: Wood Rahamigo, help friend!

Axiy's ancestor, Akiytu gets out of the ground and bites the catterpillar.

  • Past Axiy: Now we know our past, it's starting to get intresting.
  • Past Robotic Rahama: I remember this, I was just a wheelchair.
  • Past Lilonow: Look, other users ancestors!
  • Past Axiy: Hey, your right I can see people that look alot like the users ancestors.
  • Cameraguy: Err, wrong time.

The cameraguy goes back to the normal time.

  • Axiy: Ok, cameraman but lets go back to business. hey look the older users.
  • Untesty: Remember the viking guys? They have the 6 kids!
  • Rahama: Thanks for reminding me about my kids!
  • Untesty: Did you just forget you're kids?
  • Rahama: Umm, well maybe.
  • Rahamigo: Rule one, don't forget a family member.
  • Rahama: No, I umm I was thinking about them the whole time.
  • Robotic Rahama: Hey look, more ancestors! It's most of the wikians.
  • Wood Rahamigo: You haven't changed a bit right? This is my future self.
  • Robotic Rahama: No, I always make people forget about important stuff.

A volcano causes an earthquake.

  • Takeshi64: Quick, get in the cave.
  • IJZM: I hope the caves rocks don't crush us.

Everybody goes into the cave exept for Akiytu.

  • Axiy: Akiytu, YOU'RE GONNA DIE!!!

  • Akiytu: I can eat stones!

A stone falls on Axiy.

  • Axiy: Ow, a stone.

Axiy eats it.

  • Axiy: Yummy.
  • Mystery: Let's find the vikings!
  • Vikings: You mean us?
  • Axiy: Hey look 6 little cute rhino's in you're little brown purse.
  • Vikings: Of course and this is not a purse.

Foreman comes with time machine.

  • Foreman the Engineer: I come save all.
  • Mystery: We let them here! Bye users!
  • Axiy: Ok, we don't really need you.

Mystery and Foreman go back to the future.

  • Takeshi64: Anyway, how do we get back to the future? I don't have any ancestors here. Mine are in Japan.
  • Vikings: Oh, our staff only travels back in time.
  • Takeshi64: What?
  • Vikings: Yes, but I think the Red Clan's staff can make people travel in the future.
  • Lilonow: Great! How do we get to them?
  • Axiy: I think the Red Clan guy is some time in the future i saw that at the museum.
  • Rahama: So it's some time in the future.
  • Lilonow: Wait a second, I got an idea!

Everyone gathers around and listens.

  • Lilonow: We need to make it ourself.
  • Robotic Rahama: Ok but how?
  • Takeshi64: I think it's made from stone.
  • IJZM: We need to carve the stone.
  • Rahama: And we gonna strike gold!
  • Axiy: Uh oh a metiorite just hit the top of the cave!

The cave door closes and was covered by rocks.

  • Axiy: Noooo!
  • Rahama: And we gonna strike gold!
  • Axiy: Wait a second, golden pickaxe I miss outside.

Robotic Rahama, Axiy and Lilonow start digging with their guns and Robotic Rahama starts drilling.

  • Lilonow: Wait, do you have a drill?
  • Robotic Rahama: Of course I do infact, I have 3 and a Parasite (Character) toy!
  • Untesty: That isn't a toy parasite.
  • Robotic Rahama: I was gonna destroy it but you can have it.

Robotic Rahama gives the Parasite (Character) toy to everybody.

  • Takeshi64: It's a robot!
  • IJZM: And why is it chasing us?

IJZM shoots the Parasite (Character) toy robot at the curcuits.

  • Takeshi64: It looks like it is alive.
  • Axiy: Who can reprogram it to drill for us?
  • IJZM: I can.

IJZM reprograms the Parasite (Character) toy robot to make it drills the rocks around the cave.

  • Axiy: We're free!
  • Lilonow: The meteorites aren't coming anymore.
  • Yin Dragon: Roar!
  • Axiy: And now Mechayin's ancestor.
  • Yin Dragon: My name Yinoog.
  • Axiy: Ok, but why aren't you a robot?
  • Yinoog: Robot? What that?
  • Lilonow: So what is Wood Rahamigo?
  • IJZM: Yeah, he looks alot like a robot.
  • Yinoog: Have you heard paint?
  • Takeshi64: Yes, it existed a long time.

A sound can be heard suddenly a tree was set on fire.

  • Axiy: It's a trap, it's a trap!
  • The Nitome Yeti: No, it's me TNY.
  • Takeshi64: Ok, what are you doing here.
  • The Nitome Yeti: I invented a time machine.
  • Axiy: Wait a minute. How did you know we were here?

Recon1 also comes and another tree was set on fire.

  • Axiy: Now its 2 people!
  • Recon1: Where am I? Did my weapon work?
  • Axiy: I don't know actually, you're in 4000 BC
  • Recon1: Really? I always wanted to go here.
  • Axiy: Hey look, Untesty and Aqua's ancestors are being chased by some guys.

  • Aquoog and Untestoog: Help!