Two-legged rocket cannons

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This article is about rockets from Twang. For rockets from other games, please see Rockets.

Two-legged rocket cannons are enemies in the game Twang. They first appear in level 14.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Two-legged rocket cannons are big, black, cannons that stand on two feet. They two square white eyes, a black unibrow, an angry mouth, and an image of a skull and crossbones on their rear. Their bodies are all black, and they have no arms or hands.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Two-legged rocket cannons shoot out a rocket out every two seconds, which also resemble them. If Black Ball touches a two legged rocket cannon, or a rocket, it will take away one of his hearts. They are found stationary on platforms, rockets being their only attack.

Rockets[edit | edit source]

A rocket

Rockets are the weapons shot by two legged rocket cannons.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Rockets are a sort of a mix between two legged rocket cannons and jetpack pirates in appearance, as they wear an eye patch and have blueish purple fire coming out of them like jetpack pirates. Rockets are all black and have a skull on their back end like two legged rocket cannons.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Rockets will only travel in a straight path of the direction that they were launched. Rockets can go through lines, and apparently never explode. The player will stop seeing the rockets after they are far enough away from their launching point. They will harm Black Ball by subtracting one health point if contact is made.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The cannon and rocket resemble Bill Blasters and Bullet Bills from the Mario series.