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The scorpion, also known as desert boss, is the third boss encountered in Pest Control.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

The scorpion has two big pedipalps protecting her face, and has a large metasoma that constantly moves. She will often move her pedipalps back, revealing her face. The scorpion has a brown body and white, half-opened eyes with black pupils.

Game information[edit | edit source]

The scorpion is encountered on level 3.9, and as in terrains in Pest Control, all eight levels have to be first completed if the player desires to unlock the boss level.

The scorpion is different from the last two encountered bosses. The differences the scorpion has is that she is stationary, unlike the millipede and tarantula who move around the level. The scorpion also takes up the entire screen. The scorpion is also considerably more difficult then the previously encountered bosses, as the scorpion has better accuracy than the tarantula.

Most of the battle with the scorpion is trying to avoid her stinger. The scorpion's metasoma will bounce left and right. The player can move the flyswatter around during this time, but when the stinger flashes pink, she will strike at the player.

The player should move the flyswatter around as to not get hit by the stinger. After the scorpion attempts a few times to hit the player, she will retract her pincers and the player can swat the scorpion's face, but only once. The player must repeat these steps to kill the scorpion.

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Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • A glitch can be performed where the player can place the flyswatter on the tail of the scorpion and not get hurt.
  • The scorpion is the biggest enemy in Pest Control.