Obstacles (B.C. Bow Contest)

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Obstacles are immobile objects in B.C. Bow Contest.

Rocks and bones[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

They appear as many different objects, most commonly rocks in the Rock and Balloon Cup, and assorted piles of bones in the Bone Cup.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Rocks and bones are for the most part immobile, set in places that most restrict the way in which the target(s) can be shot. The player cannot shoot through them with normal arrows, although special arrows, such as spirit arrows, are able to.

Wind[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

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Game information[edit | edit source]

Wind will push fired arrows in a pre-determined horizontal direction, to the left or to the right. In some levels, wind will stop for a few seconds wears in some levels it breezes permanently. Wind will push balloons away. No-wind arrows are not affected by wind.

Lava[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

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Game information[edit | edit source]

Lava will push fired arrows upward. When arrows are too far away from the ground, they will fall again. Lava only appears in the Lava Cup.

Dino skulls and bags[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

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Game information[edit | edit source]

Dino skulls and bags appears as regular obstacles carried by pterodactyls. Players cannot shoot through them with normal arrows, although special arrows, such as spirit arrows, are able to. Sometimes a target will be on the bag. Bags will always have targets on them, while skulls will never have targets on them.

Tar[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

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Game information[edit | edit source]

If the player shoots an arrow into tar, they will lose ten points. Dinosaurs witch are stuck in tar cannot move. Tar only appears in the Tar Cup.

Tar spouts[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

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Game information[edit | edit source]

If the player shoots an arrow into a tar spout, the arrow will bounce back without causing the player to loose points. Tar spouts will periodically shoot upwards, blocking the way of the player's arrows, and after a few seconds disappear into the tar. Tar spouts only appear on round three of Tar Cup.

X targets[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

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Game information[edit | edit source]

If the player shoots an X target, they will lose twenty five points. X targets only appears on the ground and are much larger than other targets.

Dinosaurs[edit | edit source]

Dinosaurs are obstacles in B.C. Bow Contest. Dinosaurs generally very appear different from one another, each dinosaur generally appearing in different colours. Dinosaurs serve as obstacles most of the time, although some have targets on them.

Dinosaurs tend to move and have different behaviour, although most to certain extent are stationary. Certain dinosaurs are only found in certain cups.

Brontosauruses[edit | edit source]

Main article: Brontosauruses

Brontosauruses are green coloured dinosaurs with large necks that are often in the player's way, often requiring that the player shoot high over them. Their long necks are the most noticeable part of them, and the part often in the way of the player.

Pterodactyls[edit | edit source]

Main article: Pterodactyls

The only flying dinosaur, pterodactyls fly up in the air holding bags, some of these bags having targets on them.

Ankylosauruess[edit | edit source]

Main article: Ankylosauruses

Found only in the Bone Cup, ankylosauruses are armadillo type dinosaurs who when hit with an arrow, move a certain distance forward.

T-Rex[edit | edit source]

Main article: T-Rex

One of the biggest dinosaurs in the game t-rex are stationary dinosaurs that open their mouth and roar, to expose a rock that has a target on it.

Pachycephalosauruses[edit | edit source]

Main article: Pachycephalosauruses

A dinosaur found only in the Tar Cup, pachycephalosauruses are partially submerged in tar. A target painted on their head, whenever they are struck with an arrow, they will submerge into tar and emerge somewhere else in the level.

Earthquakes[edit | edit source]

Appearance[edit | edit source]

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Game information[edit | edit source]

When an earthquake occurs, the volcano in the background will erupt and the screen will shake, making precise shooting of arrows very hard. After a few seconds, the earthquake will stop and the screen will become normal again. During the second round of an earthquake, rocks will fall of the sky, some of them having targets on them.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The tar and lava motif are very similar to each other.