Green goons

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Green goons are enemies in the game Headcase.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Green goons wear a green bug-like suit that covers almost their entire body, save for their hands and the lower half of the head. The suit has two green spikes sticking out of the top of it and a visor over their eyes. They carry a machine on their back which flaps four insect wings that keep them up in the air.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Green goons are common enemies in Headcase and debut in level two. Green goons can be found in almost every level flying vertically horizontally, or in a circle.

They may sometimes fly still in one area, resulting in easily obtaining points. However, no matter what pattern they are flying in, they always zig-zag. To kill one, the player should make Norman Noggin hit one with his head, and ten points will be gained.

Beta[edit | edit source]

A beta green goon

A beta green goon appears on Simon Hunter's website. It is identical to the regular green goon, save for the beta one has dark green pixels on its visors. Also, the beta green goon appears more saturated in colour than the regular one.

Other appearances[edit | edit source]

  • Party - A green goon appears in the party skin, to the far right side of the cable car and a little bit underneath Norman Noggin.
  • Retro - A green goon appears flying in the sky.
  • Shop - A green goon appears in the music section of the Shop, playing the keyboard.