Forum:Utility for Emoticons

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Forums: Index > Wiki Discussion > Utility for Emoticons

I have been discussign with Takeshi64 and Klemen702 about emoticons, and we decided a few things about emoticons. First of all, emoticons not eventually used in 2 weeks must be removed. WE don't need useless emoticons. Second, my request is that each person has the freedom of requesting only one emoticon as it's personal emoticon (Takeshi and Klemen don't agree very well with the second suggestion, but i agree).

Mixlix 19:53, July 6, 2015 (UTC)

I'd like to clarify that Klemen and I don't agree with the first suggestion. I'm probably going to post my thoughts on this later, just wanted to make the correction. 20:00, July 6, 2015 (UTC)