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The AI is a character in the game Toxic II. He appears as several computers stationed throughout the game to aid the Hazmat Hero by providing tips or how objects work. He does not appear in the prequel, Toxic.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

The AI is a program that normally appears with a magenta face. The AI does not have a body, instead, it is a face on a grey computer screen. When the AI is hacked, his face becomes yellow-green instead of magenta. The computer, with its keyboard and pedestal, are all coloured grey. A constantly moving line is seen under the AI's face.

The computer unhacked.

Game information[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

When the Hazmat Hero first enters the second robot factory, he finds a computer that shows, on the screen, a luminous red face that speaks only in binary. By detonating a bomb, he somehow hacks the computer, possibly due to the psychological shock of the explosion (potentially referred to when the computer mentions a "fatal error"). After the explosion, the face turns green and the computer begins speaking in English. The computer at first underestimates the hero, thinking he will fail at getting past the first zone (or level). Over the course of the game, he becomes friends with the hero and offers him tips concerning how certain objects work and information about the robot factory. On some levels, he makes no appearance, and it is later found that this is because Mother, who seems to govern over him, restricted him from talking to the hero on those levels (Of course, no computer monitors exist in those levels either, making it hypothetically impossible for the computer entity to contact him).

The AI, telling the hero this, wonders why Mother had allowed the hero to live for so long and suggests that she was possibly toying with the hero.

Penguin 1.png This collapsible box contains a spoiler! Use [show] to reveal.

When the hero destroys Mother, the entire robot factory explodes, with parts of it left in bad condition. It is possible that the AI was somehow destroyed when this happened, as no further contact between him and the hero is established after this event.
However, since a Bigfoot robot still lived at the end, it's possible that the AI is still alive.

In game[edit | edit source]

The AI only appears on computers stationed throughout the game. When the player goes up to these computers, a box will pop up that will list the words the AI is saying. The jaw of the AI's head will periodically move up and down until the message is finished. The computers are impervious to damage.

Despite its being impervious to damage, causing a basic bomb explosion on the first computer the player encounters, the one which brings up a red box that has a red coloured AI head that speaks strings of binary (long lines of 0's and 1's in the message box), will "hack" said computer and cause the AI to speak in English.

Quotes[edit | edit source]

Main article: AI/Quotes

Background[edit | edit source]

The AI seems to have some authority in the game. He is seen to be treated as a "son" by Mother.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • On level 1, the AI "speaks" in binary code:

    Decoding it in ASCII character encoding results in the nonsense characters "M�Rª"¥SEܺˆ©@Ñuj¢("