User:Wolriefield/The Great Journey

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Dog with Bone.png History Rules Dog with Bone.png

  • The Characters may be the users of this wiki, their pets or Nitrome characters or enemies.
  • Don't offend another users
  • Don't make random things happens, how stuff exploding randomly, stuff falling from sky without a reason, etc. Also, use good sense, and don't do, for example, just bad or good things happening.
  • Put bullets (*) before the characters' name when he talks.
  • Most Important: NO VANDALISM!
  • Feel free to add images done by you and have fun!

RT Larry Sleeping.png Prologue[edit | edit source]

(The Prologue is based in the real story)

Since christmas, Untesty, Axiy's pet, has been missing. After being kidnapped by Blueboy, Blueboy gave him, and then, The Mystery User got him as a pet.

  • Axiy: What?! Untesty is with the Mysterious User! I must recover him!

Then, Axiy invaded Mystery's base, and got Untesty. Otherwise, Mystery got Untesty back and improved the base's security.

Later, Lilonow chatted with Axiy.

  • Lilonow: Hey, I've heard Mystery's with Untesty. I also miss him, as Aqua is his cousin. But we can't attack Mystery's base, but we can also trade Untesty's Brother by Untesty with Mystery. I'm not sure...
  • Axiy: Well, we can't also ask for Blueboy's help as he can be caught. We must do something very passive then...

RT Larry Happy.png Chapter I - The Adventure Begins[edit | edit source]

  • Axiy: Wait a second, I can call Admiral Ackbar and Leonardo da Vinci!
  • Lilonow: But what can they do?
  • Axiy: Leonardo da Vinci is an inventor and Admiral Ackbar is good with fighting.
  • Lilonow: Ok then.
  • ???: Wait!!!

Untesty appears!

  • Untesty: Mystery let me be your pet again, Axiy!
  • Lilonow: What?! Untesty can talk?
  • Untesty: Yes! Mystery taught me.
  • Axiy: Untesty! I'm so happy you came back! But Mystery really let you to come? That's so great!
  • Untesty: Yeah, but...
  • Lilonow: What?
  • Untesty: He misses me, and he was a great owner too...
  • Axiy: That's a problem... But wait! Untesty has a brother, and Mystery can adopt him... maybe?!
  • Untesty: He lives with our dad. We have to talk with him first and see if my bro really wants to be adopted.
  • Lilonow: Where they live?
  • Untesty: I'm not sure... Somewhere in Nitrome Forest.
  • Lilonow: Great! I'll call Aqua to search with us! But wont any other person come with us?

2 big tanks drive up. One has a Mechasaur head. From them exited 2 people: Foreman the Engineer, and Mystery!

  • Mystery: I'll come, OK?
  • Foreman the Engineer: Me too.
  • Mystery: Let's go find Untesty's bro, named Testy!

Cuboy and BlueBoy walk up.

  • BlueBoy: If Mystery goes, I go too.
  • Mystery: Do you want to come Cuboy?
  • Cuboy: I can't... I work at Nitrome. I must write some uptades...
  • Mystery: OK... Does somebody else want to join the journey? Maybe a wikian?
  • Foreman the Engineer: Let's go!
  • Mystery: Good idea! Let's not waste time! Axiy, Foreman, Untesty, Lilonow and Aqua, let's go!

Every goes searching.

  • Axiy: Untesty's dad told me he lives in a cave in Greece, let's try Crete!
  • Mystery: OK, but how are we going to search all Greece?
  • Axiy: Robotic Rahama can turn into an airplane, I'll Raplane v3 I didn't use Raplane v2.
  • Lilonow: Good, now we can fly to Crete.
  • Axiy: Ok lets all split up in group with maps.

File:Greece Map.png

  • Axiy: Aqua with Untesty, Mystery with Forman, Lilonow and Me, Leonardo da Vinci and Admiral Ackbar.
  • Admiral Ackbar: I am with you Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Axiy: Everybody has airplanes me and Lilonow use Raplane v3, Mystery and Foreman have a floating tank, Aqua and Untesty have a big protosuit plane and Admiral Ackbar and Leonardo da Vinci have a spaceship.

Russian Guy.pngChapter II - In Moscow[edit | edit source]

  • Mystery: Ok, lets go!

Everybody gets on their planes going the same way to Greece. But when they are crossing the ocean, they see Octobosses in the way blocking them.

  • Mystery: Foreman! Use Mechasaur laser to attack those Octobosses!
  • Aqua: Untesty! Cover the Octobosses with goo!
  • Lilonow: Untesty, that really was a great idea, teach Aqua to speak!

​Untesty throws goo at the Octobosses' eyes, making them get confused and fly at random directions. Then, the Mechasaur's Laser beats them down, and they fall into a forest.

  • Lilonow: Uhh... Guys... The Octobosses misled us... We now need to go for a longer way. We will also need to take a break on Moscow, or else Robotic Rahama will have a short circuite.

File:Octoboss Army.png

  • Axiy (in a angry voice): Hope these Octobosses are happy now!

The group lands in Moscow for fuel, power, and maybe a snack.

  • Lilonow: Now we need to give Robotic Rahama fuel! Hey Aqua, why are you mimicking Untesty?
  • Aqua: He's kinda a Green Enzyme... And I need to mimic him!!!
  • Lilonow: Try to hold on, buddy.
  • Mystery: Who wants a snack?
  • Everybody: Me!
  • Admiral Ackbar: Hey look, there's the Demolition team.
  • Boss: Hi, Mystery boss!
  • Mystery:What are you all doing here!? You must destroy the old structures in my base!!!
  • Boss:We completed the job! We are happy to say we destroyed all old buildings and not TOO many tanks!
  • Mystery: What do you mean not too many?
  • Foreman the Engineer: You destroyed our tanks???
  • Garry, Barry, Larry (now healthy) and Boss: Ermmm... Ummm... We have to go! New contract! Bye!

Axiy tries calling the Chiseler but it won't work.

  • Axiy: Oh here we go again. Wait, let me call the Chiseler to check it because he's doing community service for stealing Untesty.
  • Axiy: Did your demolition crew break the signal in the region?
  • Demolition Crew: No... Just in... The whole Russia! Gasp!

Demolition Crew runs away.

  • Mystery: HEY!!! Come here!!! Grrrrr...


  • Mystery: Hey, look! Here is Untesty's bro for who we are looking!
  • Axiy: Umm, that's Aqua.
  • Mystery: Stop mimicking him Aqua! Your confusing me!
  • Lilonow: We still need to find the Nitrome Forest somewhere in Greece. But look! We're all surronded by buildings! It's dangerous to fly in this weight. We must find a taller place to take off.
  • Axiy: Like the top of the giant mountain right there?
  • Lilonow: Great! Let's go climb it! But Robotic Rahama may first back to his normal form.

Airplane Rahama turns into Robotic Rahama

  • Mystery: Let's go!

RT Barry Astronaut.pngChapter III - Rock n' Snow[edit | edit source]

  • Lilonow: Brrr... It's so cooold...

Aqua morphs into a scarf and get in Lilonow's neck

  • Lilonow: Hey, thank's Aqua! y'know, Chilly would love this... atchôô! place... But I wonder what Chilly's doing...

In Lilonow's house...

  • Rockitty (In cat language): Hey, Chilly! Great cat party! But do you owners let you have partys?
  • Chilly (In cat language): Indeed, no... But hoppefully he will be away a loong time...
  • Flashcat (In cat language): *hiccup* Chilly... Ur one of my best friendz... *hiccup*
  • Chilly (In cat language): Whoa... No more milk for him.

Back at Russia...

  • Axiy: Here we are... The Mountain is right there. Let's do it so we can take off faster.
  • Foreman: Too many snow... and rocks...

They enter inside the mountain by a gap, but instantly some rocks block the way so they can't get out. Some other rocks are falling, starting an avalanche.

  • Everyone: AAAAAAAHHH!!!!
  • Axiy: Wait a minute, I have a jetpack, I can fly.
  • Axiy: And Robotic Rahama has alot of heat, but to much heat it can burn the avalance!

Later Robotic Rahama burned the avalanche but there are still rocks.

  • Admiral Ackbar: It's an end to our lives!

Suddenly Rahama comes with his cousin and stops those rocks.

  • Axiy: Rahama?
  • Rahama: Indeed.
  • Axiy: You can talk?
  • Rahama: When I was saving the Princess from Happy Jump Land I learned how to talk.
  • Mystery:OK... That's interesting...
  • Foreman the Engineer: OK, let's don't waste time! Rahama,help us find Notesty!

Everybody gets back on their planes. And goes the same way to Greece.

  • Axiy: Floating rocks with snow sprints on it!
  • Lilonow: I have French Toast maybe we can use them.
  • Axiy: Who's up for some French toast?

File:Attacking Snow Spirit.png

Lilonow gives the French Toast for Robotic Rahama's ammo then Axiy shoots the French toast to the Snow Sprints and they melt.

  • Mystery: I think they liked it.

Foreman uses the mechasaur laser to cut the meteorites and to melt some snow spirits .

  • Mystery: Good job Foreman!

Aqua uses Proto Bullet and Untesty uses Goo net.

  • Untesty: Yeah!
  • Axiy: Umm guys, we forgot Admiral Ackbar and Leonardo da Vinci.
  • Aqua: Yeah, we forgot to wait for them at the store.
  • Foreman: We also forgot Rahama and Tim.
  • Axiy: Their both in Robotic Rahama.

Everybody lands in Istanbul.

  • Axiy: Hey look thats Europe and we're in Asia.

Garry.pngChapter IV - In Istanbul[edit | edit source]

  • Lilonow: Robotic Rahama has a short circuite again lets go get some batteries.
  • Axiy: Or we need 4 pieces of Uranium to make his circuite last 17 weeks.
  • Mystery: Ok Lilonow and Axiy get Uranium, Untesty and Aqua get a rocket to make Robotic Rahama faster, me and Foreman will get food and Tim and Rahama will hunt away the bad people from 10 meter distance.
  • Rahama: Ok.
  • Lilonow: Where can we find Uranium? It's radioative you know.
  • Axiy: Hmm... Maybe in a nuclear industry?
  • Lilonow and Aqua: Gasp!
  • Axiy: It's in Berlin right?
  • Lilonow and Aqua: Yep.
  • Axiy: And man where can we find rockets?!
  • Lilonow: Come with us at the industry there should be something to be used as one.
  • Mystery:Wait! I remember i toke some food for he journey! Is im my tank!
  • Foreman the Enginner:Oh, good news!

Mystery and Foreman went to tank.

  • Mystery:Where is the food?
  • The Mystery Dog:Woof! Hi,Mystery, i was in your tank all the time! And... Sorry, I ate it...
  • Mystery:You what??? And you musted be at base!
  • The Mystery Trap: Hi!
  • Foreman:How did u came?
  • The Mystery Trap: Don't ask! But, I come with food!
  • Mystery: Good! What's the food?
  • The Mystery Trap: Is delicious: Flies and other insects.
  • Foreman:Oh,no...
  • The Mystery Dog: Good I ate already!
  • Mystery: Grrrrrrrrrrrr...
  • Foreman:I hope our friends found what they must found.
  • Mystery:We need food.
  • Mystery Trap:We have insects.They are delicious.
  • Mystery,Mystery Dog and Foreman:NOOOO!!!
  • Mystery Trap:OK...More for me! :)

Axiy and Lilonow were getting Uranium for Rahama, the tank and the Protoplane.

  • Axiy: Let's go!
  • Lilonow: Are you sure, it's all the way in Germany.
  • Axiy: Germany? I meant New Berlin, Bolu the 55th city in Turkey.
  • Lilonow: Wait a second, I have Uranium in my pocket!
  • Axiy: Good, and I also have a rocket in my pocket
  • Mystery:Hi,guys. Are you hungry?
  • Foreman:We found just insects, I mean Mystery Trap found...Anyway, why are we going to Germany? We go to find Notesty!
  • Axiy: We aren't, but anyways who wants toast?
  • Everybody: Me!

Axiy gets french toast out of his bag but theres alot of smoke.

  • Axiy: IT'S BURNING!!
  • Mystery: No it's not it's the other toast's smoke.
  • Axiy: Oh.
  • Lilonow: Well we better get to Europe.
  • Mystery: Well, I take my tank and I go to China to find Untesty's bro. Do you come, Foreman?
  • Foreman: Yes!
  • Mystery: Bye, peoples! If somebody want come, say now!
  • Foreman: Let's don't waste the time. Let's go!

Mystery and Foreman are 400 kms away from Istanbul

  • Axiy: Wait! Notesty is not In China.
  • Untesty: To late.

Japan Guy.pngChapter V - Chinese Yin Yang[edit | edit source]

  • Untesty: Soooo... we're in China?
  • Blueboy: Don't steal STUPDK's catchphrase!
  • Lilonow: This isn't a laughing matter, Blueboy. Untesty's brother is in Greece.
  • Blueboy: Sorry, i'm just trying to cheer up because TinyCastleGuy hasn't been on Nitrome Wiki in a while.
  • Untesty: Aw Blueboy, i'm sure he's with NOBODY and Grammar Cat right now.

Back at Nitrome Wiki...

  • NOBODY: I feel like we're missing somebody.
  • Grammar Cat: It's probobly just your imagination. Here, have a pop-tart!

Back in China...

  • Blueboy: Yea, mabye. Hey, who's that guy?

The wikians look where Blueboy is pointing, and see a guy with a mask and dark cloak, playing Pokemon Black.

  • Axiy: Hi, were (says names of travelers)! And we
  • Lilonow: Why are you playing the English version of Pokemon Black and White? Do you speak English?
  • Cloaked Guy: HEY! I'm in the middle I mean...嘿!我在擊敗精英四中!順便說一下,我只是說中國話,我的名字是微小的城堡蓋伊。
  • Lilonow: Err... okay.
  • Cloaked Guy: ...
  • Axiy: Are you going to travel with us?
  • Cloaked Guy: 右後我打敗 Shauntal的胖嘟嘟。
  • Axiy: I take that as a yes.
  • Cloaked Guy (Thinking): They will never know who I really am...
  • Lilonow: C'mon, let's go ask that woman if she can help us get to Greece.
  • Cloaked Guy: 詢問她Twinkie。我餓了。此外,戰鬥 死神棺和飲食能幫助我擊敗她。
  • Lilonow: Hey, lady, could you please help us get to Greece?
  • Woman: Sure I can help you. Just step into this Teleporter.
  • Axiy: Thank you miss.

The wikians and pets step into the teleporter, and teleport to a fast-food restraunt in Beijing.

  • Blueboy: Oh no! This isn't Greece! This is a Mc Donalds!
  • Mc Donalds Boss: Are you here for work? Your shift starts now!

The boss throws everybody into a room with a fryer, and shuts the door.

  • Cloaked Guy: 這是不是幫助我淡淡


  • Mc Donalds Boss: Good eye, cloaked freak. There are skulls and toxic signs everywhere.
  • Lilonow: W... w... wha?!
  • Mc Donalds Boss: Allow me to introduce myself. I am...
  • Blueboy: TinyCastleGuy? Random-storykeeper? Nyan Cat?
  • Mc Donalds Boss: NO! I am... Yincube!

Yincube rips off his Mc Donalds Boss discuise, revealing a white cube boy with black smoke around him.

  • Blueboy: Yikes! Your a cuboy!
  • Yincube: Yes, and this is my partner, Yangcube.

A black cube with white smoke around him apears. (He was the lady in China)

  • Yangcube: We have tracked you down, Blueboy! We are looking for the ruler of the Darost Demention!
  • Lilonow: Darost?
  • Yincube: Rrg. It's a combination of dark and ghost.
  • Lilonow: Ohhhh! Dark and ghost! Darost!
  • Yangcube (sarcastically): Oh, i'm so proud of you.
  • Yincube: Anyway, he has been in Nitrome Wiki as a pet, but we spent millions of years trying to find him.
  • Yangcube: We can't remember his name. What was it again...
  • Cloaked Guy: 他的名字水晶燈火靈 / 水晶灯火灵


  • Yincube: Err, I don't speak Chinese. I only speak English, Japanese, and Cubese.
  • Axiy (whispering): Psst. Let's escape while we can.
  • Cloaked Guy: 好主意。在這裡,有一些隨機的原因在角落的另一個傳送點。
  • Lilonow: Um, I can't understand you.

The wikians and pets run into a teleporter in a corner, and teleport.

  • Yincube: THEY GOT AWAY! RRRG!

The evil duo turns into dragons, and flys off.

  • Axiy: Good thing we're out of there, but anyways who is the cloaked guy and where are we?
  • Cloaked Guy: Umm I am TinyCastleGuy.
  • Axiy: I knew it!
  • Cloaked Guy: How?
  • Axiy: Wel, you like Pokemon but anyways lets go back to Greece!
  • Rahama: Yeah!

The guys exit the door.

  • Axiy: We're going to Greece
  • Yincube: Not so fast!
  • Axiy: You're not needed!

Axiy pushes Yincube down the cliff.

  • TinyCastleGuy: We all have partners exept for me, who will be my partner?
  • Axiy: Well you can come with us or stay in China playing Pokemon.
  • TinyCastleGuy: Well, I didn't really finish playing Pokemon I almost won.
  • Axiy: Well, we can wait, and let me try that McDonald over there.

Admiral Ackbar comes on a spaceship saying.

  • Admiral Ackbar (shouting): It's a trap!
  • Axiy: Oh, so you mean Yangcube is in there?
  • Admiral Ackbar: Yes.
  • Axiy: Then lets blow up the McDonald with Yangcube in it.
  • Lilonow: We can't we need the rocket for a boost.
  • Axiy: Now lets go back to Greece!
  • Mystery: Uh oh, something's coming from the cliff.
  • Lilonow: It's black and white!
  • Axiy: Why don't we add pictures?
  • Mystery: Yincube and Yangcube as Dragons!
  • Admiral Ackbar: It's a monster!

Admiral Ackbar gets on his spaceship then he slaps the dragons and flies away with his spaceship.

  • Admiral Ackbar: It's a slap!
  • Axiy: Hey dragons, look at that Yin Yang thingy you need that to combine!

The dragons go and get it but it takes a long time.

  • Lilonow: Why did you tell them that?
  • Axiy (whispering): To distract them.
  • Lilonow: Well we don't have a plan or anything.
  • Axiy (whispering): Lets go to Greece.

Everybody gets on their planes and go away.

  • Aqua: We forgot TinyCastleGuy.
  • Axiy: Well he said that he wanted to play more Pokemon.

RT Garry Molotov.pngChapter VI - Return of the Yin Yangs[edit | edit source]

  • Axiy: Turkey, again.
  • Lilonow: I remember this place.
  • Mystery: Me to.
  • Axiy: Hey look Mc Donalds.
  • Everybody: Noo!
  • Axiy: Wait a second, I get it!
  • Everybody: What?
  • Axiy: Lol, at the first moment I was the only person who didn't get it but now I'm the only person who gets it!
  • Aqua: Is it Yincube.
  • Untesty: Or Yangcube?
  • Axiy: No, it's both of them combined as a dragon.
  • Tim and Rahama: We know.
  • Robotic Rahama: Ok, this is getting really confusing.
  • Nyan Cat: Nyan!
  • Axiy: How did he even get here?

Mystery and Foreman came with tanks, smahing away 100000000000000000000000 km the "combined dragon".

  • Mystery:Hi, I adopted Notesty.What is new?
  • Axiy: We end the story at chapter 10.
  • Mystery: Ok.
  • Axiy: Watch out for that avalanche.
  • Lilonow: Where?
  • Axiy: Wait, It's almost here, 3, 2, 1 RUN!!!!!!

Alot of people scream. And the crew goes in the sky and it snowed alot so a snowflake went on the floating tank and Notesty in the jar slipped off to the avalanche.

  • Mystery and Untesty: NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
  • Axiy: Untesty, maybe you can get him.
  • Lilonow: It's to late.
  • Axiy: Not to late for me!

Axiy grabs a rope and a rocket, he ties the rope to Robotic Rahama's horn and walks on the avalanche.

  • Rahama: Are you still alive?
  • Tim: Of course he's still alive, it's like diving on water but on snow and it's more cozier.
  • Axiy: What? I can't hear you.

Axiy uses his rocket for a boost then he see's Notesty in the jar

  • Axiy: Come here Notesty.
  • Axiy: Look a marshmellow.

A snow spirit comes out of the avalanche and takes Notesty in the jar, then the snow spirit dissapears.

  • Axiy: PULL THE ROPE!!!!

Lilonow pulls the rope.

  • Lilonow: Did you get him?
  • Axiy: No, but I got a marshmellow.
  • Mystery: Did you get him?
  • Axiy: No, but I got a marshmellow.
  • Tim: Did you get him?
  • Axiy: No, but I got a marshmellow.
  • Lilonow: Maybe you can call Notesty.

Axiy dials Notesty but theres no signal.

  • Axiy: No signal.

File:Calling Untesty.png

  • Lilonow: Doesn't it show whitch country that doesn't have signal?
  • Axiy: It says Sofia, Bulgaria in a cave.
  • Rahama: We're heading East we should be heading West.
  • Axiy: Oh.
  • Foreman: Well, lets go.

The 3 planes head West to go to Bulgaria.

  • Lilonow: Maybe the protosuit Leonardo da Vinci made for Aqua and Untesty can combine into Robotic Rahama as an extra part.
  • Axiy: Great idea! That will be part of Raplane v4.

Axiy writes down the ideas.

  • Axiy(quietly): Windows, storage room, protosuit.
  • Untesty: Here we come Bulgaria!
  • Axiy: I think we will go trough every European country.

RT Barry.pngChapter VII - Big caves[edit | edit source]

  • Axiy: Ahh, the skies of Bulgaria so fresh.
  • Rahama: Look a powerplant!
  • Axiy: Ahh!

The planes land.

  • Rahama: Now we need to get a pickaxe!
  • Mystery: And a shovel.
  • Lilonow: Well, that cave can be anywhere Sofia is a big city.
  • Foreman: Hey look, a coal cave!
  • Axiy: You need alot of coal for you're tanks, but lets try this cave first.

Everybody walks to the cave.

File:Crusher Guardian Cave.png

  • Axiy: I have 3 euros.

The Crusher guardian goes higher and lets the crew get in the cave.

  • Lilonow: We forgot a pickaxe.
  • Axiy: Don't worry, I have more Canary lasers in my bag.
  • Mystery: This place looks familiar.
  • Rahama: Roar!!

Rahama and Robotic Rahama hit the coal wall and alot of coal comes out.

  • Mystery: Thanks, can I use that for my tanks.
  • Rahama: Yes.
  • ??? : Ssssss.
  • Lilonow: What's that?
  • Axiy: It's a Creeper from Minecraft.
  • Aqua: Watch out! An infected Canary!

Everything starts shaking.

  • Untesty: Uh oh, an earthquake.
  • Axiy: And explosions.
  • Lilonow: And underground sounds like water dripping and rising lava!
  • Foreman: I can hear Mr. Nibbles.
  • Axiy: A combination of the last stage of Pest Control, Cave Chaos, Canary, Power Miners and Minecraft!
  • Rahama: Why is this happening?

The guys fall to the bottom of the cave, only Axiy got hurt a bit.

  • Axiy: Oww.
  • Robotic Rahama: Did you break a bone?
  • Axiy: No, it didn't really hurt alot just like some weak guy punching me.
  • Rahama: Whew.

Aqua morphs into a high trampoline so the rocks don't crush the crew, then the rocks stop falling.

  • Axiy: Hey look, a compass to Notesty, does this even exist?
  • Lilonow: What does it say?
  • Axiy: It says Notesty is 12 meters away.
  • Mystery Trap: Why we wait? Let's-a go!
  • Axiy: We can't we're stuck in a small underground caves full of rocks and Aqua is very tired.
  • Lilonow: You can stop Aqua I think the rocks will just stay there.
  • Aqua: Thanks.
  • Axiy: I think we need to destroy the rocks, I got a plan.
  • Rahama: What is it?
  • Axiy: Me, Lilonow and the Mechasaur tank use our bullets, laser to cut the rocks on top of us, Aqua morphs into a very small and fast enzyme that can go through the holes to check if the snow spirits base is close anywhere, it better be here.
  • Foreman: Lets do this!

3 guys come out of the wall in 3 different ways in drilling machines.

  • Admiral Ackbar: I am with you.
  • Cloaked guy: Me to.
  • Leonardo da Vinci: Me three.
  • Axiy: Well lets do this.

After mining a long time they made a stairway up and everybody gets up.

  • Lilonow: Finally.
  • Axiy: This wasn't big after all, now lets try the cave 12 meters away.

The crew gets closer and closer until the thing stops at 0 meters then they dig down.

  • Mystery: A base!
  • Mystery:Wait... Is one my bases!
  • Mystery Dog:Woof! Yahoo!
  • Mystery Trap:This mean he Mystery Notesty wasn't lost at all.
  • Mystery:What do u mean?
  • Mystery Trap:He found 1 of your secret bases.

Mystery Spider came.

  • Mystery Spider:Hi, my owner, Mystery.How are you?
  • Mystery:So, are u here too?
  • Foreman:Let's enter once!

The wikians entered.

  • Lilonow:Help!!! I'm stuck in this spider web!
  • Mystery: Mystery Spider, how many times i must say to u? Don't put your web everywhere! Now get Lilonow down! And what's with this pink Larva Alien near me? Wait, Larva Alien??????
  • Axiy: ALIEN!!

Axiy kills the Alien.

  • Mystery: Thanks

The Alien steals Notesty in his jar.

  • Lilonow: Notesty is gone!
  • Axiy: And it says he's in Italy now Poland now Germany now The Netherlands!
  • Lilonow: You live there.
  • Mystery:Let's go!

The wikians gone and forgave help Lilonow.

  • Lilonow:Help!!!Oh,no,they don't hear me.

After 5 minutes the wikians didn't remember, even if, they don't have time to come back for Lilonow.

  • Foreman: I think we forgave something.
  • Mystery: No,we didn't.
  • Axiy: Lilonow!

Axiy runs back with the rocket but the rocket was too fast and it destroyed the cave with the web.

  • Lilonow: Thanks.
  • Mystery:Ah!!! You've destroyed the cave! This cave was the only exit of my base!!!!!! Grrrr... How are we going to go out???
  • Foreman:Maybe the drill...
  • Mystery: Destroyed too!
  • Axiy: You have a base in Sofia?
  • Mystery: Yes.
  • Axiy: *sigh* we're already out I just destroyed the exit, this doesn't make sense.
  • Lilonow: Let's get to the planes.

Everybody goes to the planes to get to Axiy's homeland (The Netherlands).

  • Axiy: Uh oh, Baron von Blimp by himself.
  • Mystery: This will be easy watch.

Mystery uses the Mechasaur laser to cut the Blimp.

  • Mystery: Done!
  • Axiy: Look, a giant Bullet!


Untesty gets on the Bullet and stops it.

  • Axiy: Thanks.

Everybody gets higher in the sky and goes away.

  • Axiy: Bye Bulgaria.

Russian Puppy.pngChapter VIII - Axiy's home[edit | edit source]

  • Axiy: Hey i've been here, its the 3rd best airport in Europe.
  • Lilonow: Really?
  • Axiy: Yes but lets find Notesty.
  • Mystery: I remember! Notesy have a phone! Let's call him. What's his phone number? Ah yeah.
  • At phone: "We are sorry, no signal."
  • Mystery: Grrrr... Why just troubles?

Demolition Cew came.

  • Mystery: There u are! Here isn't signal, you made a trouble again?
  • Boss: Nooo... In Amsterdan? We don't do anything! We destroyed the signal just in whole world!!! Bye!

Demolition Crew ran away.

  • Mystery: What idiots... What they are going to do in the sequel?
  • Axiy: Lets go to Delft this compass said it's in Delft.

The crew goes to Delft.

  • Axiy: It says southern Delft.

The crew goes to Southern Delft.

  • Axiy: Good, now we go left then right then left, hey look my school, left right left left right left left right right, my home?
  • Lilonow: Is this how it looks like?
  • Axiy and Mystery: Yes.
  • Aqua: Theres sooo much space.
  • Axiy: Oh, all of this space is my land, I own Southern Delft North Rotterdam South Hague, I own like everything, heres a map I made it after I made Robotic Rahama.

File:Axiy Map.png

  • Lilonow: That's alot of land.
  • Mystery: I have a map too. Do you see my bases near your territory? Are brown in the map.
  • Lilonow: Yes.
  • Axiy: I also have a GPS-like thing. It shows every little detail.
  • Aqua: W-what are those green things on it? They are moving towards us!
  • Mystery: Let me zoom in... Oh no! Those are Yincube and Yangcube!
  • Axiy: And those things that he's holding! It's Blueboy, Moon Light, Sun Light, and Gothcube!
  • Aqua: And TinyCastleGuy's DS! They turned it into a mind control device!
  • Mystery: You don't think...
  • TCG: I am GeniusCastleGuy. I am being mind controled by Yincube and Yangcube. I hope I would not be too rude to destroy you with my Super-Brainwaves and minions.
  • Burgh: He acculay only has 3 minions. Me, talking Medicham, and Wubster the dog.
  • GeniusCastleGuy: Shut up or else I will reduse your gainings.
  • Medicham: It's not like you pay us.
  • Axiy: Oh no! With TCG an evil genius, I don't know what we will do! Kidding. WE HAVE TANKS.
  • GCG: Oh no! Not tanks! Anything but tanks!

GCG shoots a giant laser out of his brain into the tanks and they explode.

  • Wubster: By the way, are you looking for... this?
  • Aqua: AGG! They have Notesty!
  • ???: Fear not!
  • Lilonow: Who was that?
  • NOBODY: I'm NOBODY. (We mean the user.)
  • Grammar Cat: And we have superhero names! I am... Ghramcracker Cat!
  • NOBODY: And I am... SOMEBODY!
  • Ghramcracker Cat: Now I will release my GHRAMCRAKER NINJA-STARS!
  • GCG: Ow! Those paistry-crackers acculay hurt!
  • Morphing GCG: AGGG!!!

GeniusCastleGuy morphs into Red, a character in the Pokemon video games.

  • SOMEBODY: Oops. The figure morphs into whatever I am thinking about at the time. I guess I was thinking about TinyCastleGuy, and I thought a little too much about his like of pokemon.
  • TCG (As Red): Well at least I didn't lose my memeroy.
  • Axiy: Yeah that's good. Wait, where's Notesty?
  • Burgh (Talking fast to get away): HereyougoYinandYangcubeshereisNotestyjustleaveandgotoParisorsomethingbye!
  • NOBODY: Err... Paris?
  • TCG: The place with the Eiffel Tower?
  • Lilonow: Don't worry. I stole a teleporter. Let's go to Paris!
  • Grammar Cat: Ooh-la-la!
  • Axiy: I need to put Rahama and Tim back to my home.
  • M ystery:And I go home because you destroyed my tanks. Come on pets,Forema, BlueBoy. Let's go!
  • Foreman:With what?
  • Mystery:I have a base here! You see it? Lets go! And wikians, you all can come except who destroyed my tanks!
  • NOBODY: I kind of want to edit the wiki more I will come if I have time.
  • Grammar Cat: Me to actually.
  • Lilonow: Well, ok then.
  • Axiy: Bye! ):

Everybody gets on their planes and goes away.

  • Untesty: This chapter is to short.
  • Axiy: You might be right and it's midnight we need to sleep.

Everybody goes back to Axiy's house.

  • Axiy: Yawn.

Axiy opens the door. And everybody gets in (exept the tank it doesn't fit).

  • Axiy: Mystery, you and Lilonow can sleep on the sofa, I will get blankets for everybody.

Axiy gets blankets and everybody (including Axiy) sleeps in the living room then it's 9:00 in the morning.

  • Axiy: Who wants breakfeast.
  • Everybody: Me.

Everybody gets breakfeast.Mystery and his pets came back.

  • Aqua: Yummy.
  • Untesty: This is my favorite.
  • Mystery: Whats that trophy over there?
  • Axiy: Best Rhino Trophy.
  • Mystery: No I mean the one next to it.
  • Axiy: Best Breakfeast Chef Trophy.
  • Mystery:OK. ( trrr...) Wait, somebody call me at phone.Ill be back. (after 2 minutes). I have to go to a base. Bye!
  • Axiy: Bye, you have alot of bases around my land.

Mystery goes to his base. And it's 9:30 AM.

  • Lilonow: That was so yummy.
  • Axiy: Now let me check my GPS thingy.

Axiy looks at his GPS thing.

  • Lilonow: What does purple mean?
  • Axiy: It means that they are sleeping, but who?
  • Foreman: Zoom in.
  • Axiy: It says our enemies are sleeping.
  • Lilonow: Good.
  • Axiy: I should get tools out of my garage.
  • Aqua: Are you gonna make something.
  • Axiy: Yes.
  • Aqua: What is it?
  • Axiy: Raplane v4 and an enemy spawner for Chilly.
  • Untesty: I'm also helping.
  • Axiy: The store is far way, so I have a big house.

Axiy goes to the store with Robotic Rahama.

  • Axiy: Can I have cyan metal and a hamburger?
  • Chisseler: Ok, One Hamburger and cyan metal!
  • Axiy: Thanks.
  • Chisseler: That's 14,69 please.
  • Axiy: Here.
  • Chisseler: See ya next time!

Axiy exits the store and comes back to his home. It's 10:00 AM.

  • Aqua: Me and Untesty were thinking about an idea, why don't you make all this land you're city?
  • Axiy: Great idea!
  • Mystery: Back again. I went to my base to repair my tanks... and take the Mystery Bomb and Mystery Bunny to come with us. And I found Mystery Notesty!
  • Axiy: Thats a mimic actually.
  • Mystery: Come on!

Notesty's mimic turned into a Sea Serpent that can breathe in air.

  • Axiy: Run to the planes, we're going to Paris!
  • Lilonow: Robotic Rahama is not charged.
  • Axiy: Lets use my boats!

Everybody gets to Axiy's boats then they go to one of Mystery's base islands and its 10:45 AM.

  • Mystery: We're safe here.
  • ???:Stop!
  • Mystery:Who said this?
  • Robeacop 123-Z:Me! I arrest you all!
  • Mystery:Robearcop 123-Z?
  • Robearcop:Mystery? Good to see you. I don't arrest your friends anymore because we are friends.
  • Axiy:So close...
  • Preety Turnip:Turnip!
  • Axiy: We all need to go underground to hide from the serpent.
  • Robeacop 123-Z: What serpent.

The serpent comes from the sea.

  • Axiy: The one behind you.
  • Robeacop 123-Z: RUN!!
  • Axiy: Wait a second, you said don't enter you're territory right?
  • Mystery: This time you can.
  • Untesty: Wait for me!

Axiy gets Untesty and runs to Mystery's base.

  • Axiy: It's dark here.
  • Mystery: Oh yeah, I forgot to turn on the lights.

Mystery turns on the lights.

  • Axiy: That's better.
  • Lilonow: Snow Spirits!
  • Snow Spirit 1: Well, well well, you found us.
  • Snow Spirit 2: We have Notesty with us.
  • Notesty: Blop blop! (Help!)

Axiy makes it very hot and the snow spirits melt.

  • Mystery: Finally Notesty!
  • Snow Spirit 1: Haha, that's a mimic!
  • Axiy: ?
  • Snow Spirit 1: We just turned flat and closed our eyes.

Robearcop 123-Z become mad and arrested the Snow Spirits.

The snow spirits teleport away with the real Notesty.

  • Axiy: We lose them all the time.
  • Lilonow: Check the compass!
  • Axiy: He's in Mars.
  • Mystery:Let's go then!
  • Axiy: We need a spaceship.
  • Lilonow: The only person I know with a spaceship is...
  • Lilonow, Axiy and Mystery: The Demolotion Crew.
  • Mystery: What are you waiting for let's go to the Demolotion Crew.
  • Axiy: You know what we're waiting for, you called them idiots.
  • Mystery: But you didn't so Aqua, Rahama, Robotic Rahama, Axiy, Lilonow and Untesty go, I stay.

The Demolotion Crew is lost so they find the crew.

  • Larry: Help us!
  • Garry: There was a house but no-one was home!
  • Axiy: Is it pink in the inside?
  • Barry: Yes.
  • Axiy: That's my house.
  • Boss: We're starvin.
  • Mystery:Axiy, I've changed my mind. An soldier said I have to go to the Moon Base 000001.So, let's go!
  • Axiy: Get in the spaceship!
  • Rahama: Not all of us can fit.
  • Boss: Only 3 people will come then!
  • Mystery: I'm coming with Foreman and the Mysteryous Trap.
  • Axiy: Bye.

Mystery, Foreman and the Mysteryous Trap go to the spaceship.

  • Garry: Wait, fuel!
  • Boss: To late they already went.
  • Axiy: Lets go to my house and eat lunch.
  • Everybody: Yeah!

Everybody (Exept for Mystery, Foreman and the Mysteryous Trap) go to Axiy's house, then he makes burgers and hotdogs for everybody.

  • Lilonow: Yum.
  • Untesty: Pass me the Ketchup.

Axiy passes Untesty the ketchup.

  • Untesty: Yum, i'm full i'm gonna watch TV.
  • Axiy: Ok.

Axiy feeds Rahama and feeds Robotic Rahama also.

  • Rahama: My favorite!

A rocket sound heared.

  • Mystery: I'm back with Notesty!
  • Notesty: Hello!
  • Mystery: Bye! I came just to take my pets.Bye!
  • Mystery Trap: Bye!
  • Mystery Dog: Bye!
  • Mystery Spider: Bye!
  • Mystery Notesty: Bye!
  • Mystery Bomb: Bye!
  • Mystery Bunny: Bye! (The longest bye ever...)

The Mystery user and his pets gone to their Central Base.

  • Axiy: That looked alot like a mimic, well I hope it wasn't a mimic.
  • Snow Spirit 1: I must get him!
  • Axiy: Uh oh.
  • Snow Spirit 2(whispering): We have the real Notesty with us.
  • Axiy: Why?
  • Mystery:Axiy, stop editing every time I get Notesty he is a fake! And snow spirits have a ballon what looks like Notesty,the one saved is the real!

A random thing comes in the sky and takes everybody with it exept a mimic.

  • Axiy: That one died in 1 hit, it's a mimic so one of the 2 ones are real.
  • Notesty and a mimic: I'm the real one!

RT Garry Astronaut.pngChapter IX - Cave Chaos[edit | edit source]

  • Axiy: Uh oh, Iran.
  • Lilonow: Hide, he's gonna put us in jail.

Everybody hides behind a few barriers.

  • Mystery: That was a close one.
  • Rahama: It's to dangerous for all of us, nobody (not the user) can speak Persian.
  • Axiy: I can.
  • Mystery: Really?
  • Axiy: Yes, in 2002 I was in a war and I had to learn Persian.
  • Robotic Rahama: How come I didn't help.
  • Axiy: Because you didn't exist.
  • Rahama: That's funny, I thought when I was born the world was born.
  • Axiy: Who thought you that?
  • Rahama: TV.
  • Lilonow: Lets go underground and the snow spirits are melting.
  • Mystery: Their dead already, uh oh, somebody can see the snow, quick go to the sewer.

Everybody goes to the sewer.

  • Axiy: We forgot Notesty.
  • Lilonow: Maybe somebody found him.

Where Notesty is.

  • Notesty: Blop blop. (Nobody can find me here, uh oh somebody's gonna get me.)

Back in the sewer.

  • Untesty's Dad: I can't hear him.
  • Axiy: Who said that?
  • Untesty's Dad: Me.
  • Axiy: I can't see you it's dark.

Robotic Rahama turns his lights on.

  • Axiy: Untesty's Dad? What are you doing here?
  • Untesty's Dad: I can predict where Notesty (Untesty's dad's son) is.
  • Axiy: We better make a base, Robotic Rahama has a computer on the side, hey look an old chair I can use this.
  • Foreman: Me and Mystery will use the computer inside the mechasaur tank and also get a chair.

Everybody helps Axiy making the underground base.

  • Foreman: Done!
  • Notesty:I found you once!
  • Mystery:Don't lose again! Hmmm... Axiy, I have to. My pets are in danger here. I will be back! Bye!
  • Axiy: Wait a second, the real Notesty can't talk.
  • Mystery:He can! He learened with my help! Read in my user page.
  • Axiy: Oh, well he better be the real one, and we're stuck in a sewer, we can't get out or we will get caught.
  • Lilonow: Lets just mine our way out and find different sewers then leading to different countries.
  • Axiy: This will be hard, but Robotic Rahama needs alot of furniture to make him go overload, if he goes over load then he will make a straight hole 1000 kms per minute.

Everybody puts furniture in Robotic Rahama also the Snow Spirits.

  • Axiy: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1!

Robotic Rahama makes a straight hole through some parts but the Snow Spirits were inside him and made them stop in a cave.

  • Lilonow: Look, it's a bigger version of the Bulgarian cave.
  • Mystery: And bigger bosses.
  • Notesty: Mr Nibbles is biting my jar I'm in, he's trying to eat me!
  • Axiy: You're invincible.
  • Notesty: Not if I get eaten!

Axiy kicks Mr Nibbles.

  • Mr Nibbles: Sorry.

Mr Nibbles goes away.

  • Mystery: Glad he's gone.
  • Axiy: Watch out a Geolix!
  • Lilonow: Their everywhere!
  • Mystery:Actually, if I'm eat I don't die and I can go out... Hehehe...
  • Axiy: Hmmm...
  • Mystery: And Axiy, if u edit me as saying something in this story u will not be so lucky! I am the only who can edit something like this:Mystery:Hey! ... I choose my words, OK?
  • Axiy: Ok, but how are we going to get out of here?
  • Lilonow: Yin Yangcube controlling an Omega Dragon are taking Notesty!
  • Yincube: Get us if you can!
  • Yangcube: We combined the flies from Pest Control with Mr Nibbles.
  • Yincube: We also have much more monsters to stop you!
  • Notesty's mimic: You forgot me!
  • Axiy: We know you're the mimic.
  • Notesty's mimic: I'm the real Notesty, believe me!
  • Axiy: You never say believe me, you always say something else.

Axiy throws the mimic of Notesty away.

  • Untesty: Actually he said I'm not lieing.
  • Axiy: Oh, but anyways, what are you gonna do Yin Yang cube?
  • Yincube: We're gonna melt Notesty and use him for a device to destroy the world!
  • Yangcube: MWAHAHAHAHAHA!
  • Axiy: Haha, very funny, but not anymore, I present!
  • Austin: Yo bro!
  • Justin: Lets get rid of Nitrome!
  • Axiy: YinYangcube liked Nitrome on Facebook.
  • Yincube: We didn't.
  • Mystery:I hope u didn't come to make trouble, Austin!
  • Austin:You know I will kill you!
  • Mystery:Look in ur back!

Austin and Justin was smashed away by Robearcop 123-Z who has a sucker punch.

  • Axiy: Austin and Justin were suppose to kill Ying Yangcube but Robearcop 123-Z pushed him out, and now Austin and Justin works for Yin Yangcube!
  • Untesty's Dad: I can predict stuff!
  • Axiy: Ok, will we make chapter 10?
  • Untesty's Dad: Yes, it will be about the epic boss fight and you will finally get Notesty!
  • Axiy: Lets just destroy those Geolixes!
  • Rahama: Their to big!
  • Axiy: Not to big for me!

Axiy uses his Canary laser and slices the Geolixes in 2 pieces.

  • Lilonow: Their much more coming!
  • Axiy: Wait a second, MECHAYIN!!!!!

Mechayin breaks the wall and comes to destroy all the Geolixes.

  • Axiy: Thanks, here a talk chip it will make you talk.

Axiy gives Mechayin the talk chip.

  • Mechayin: Thanks, but who will help us.
  • Robotic Rahama: He's so big!
  • Mechayin: Give me 2 pieces of cyan metal, 1 bucket of lava, and alot of ice and snow.
  • Robotic Rahama, Rahama and Tim: Yes sir!

The Rahamas and Tim get the stuff.

  • Robotic Rahama, Rahama and Tim: Here Mechayin!

Mechayin combines the stuff and makes an Icicle and Lava catapult and uses it against all the Crystal Kings.

  • Axiy: Whew, now their all gone.
  • A strange creature: Mystery, u wanna find Notesty?
  • Mystery:Who are you???
  • A starnge creature: One of these is the real Notesty! The others are Mimic Green Enzymes mimickig them. So choose one and hope u get the real!
  • Mystery:...
  • Forema the Engineer:I know who can help us! I'll be back!
  • Mystery:Who?
  • Foreman the Enfineer:Green!
  • Mystery:Green? You mean the Mimic Green Enzyme from Test Subject Arena?
  • Foreman the Engineer:Yes!!! I go to find him!

Foreman goes but the Omega Dragon makes an earthquake and blocks the way.

  • Axiy: We need to defeat him.

Mystery used Mechasaur tank to destroy the dragon but it didn't destroy Yin Yangcube.

  • Axiy: Look, their making another one, but stronger!
  • Rahama: MECHAYIN!!!

Mechayin tries destorying the Geolixes that are helping and he destroyed a few.

  • Axiy: Look a rope!

Axiy grabs the rope and connects it to Robotic Rahama then Untesty gets on it and breaks Notesty's jar.

  • Axiy: MECHATIN!!
  • Tinman: Yes?
  • Axiy: Not you!
  • Mechayin: Wait a second.

Mechayin breaks the stone wall and finds a blue snackbar called Admiral SnAckbar.

  • A guy dressed as Admiral Ackbar: Finally, somebody coming to save me!

Everybody walks to the guy dressed as Admiral Ackbar but everybody in the cave exept for the guy dressed as Admiral Ackbar teleports to a deeper cave.

  • Axiy: Wait a second, isn't that a parody of Happy Earth.
  • Tim: Lol, woops it's time to go back to my show.
  • Axiy: Whitch show?
  • Tim: You know whitch show .
  • Axiy: Oh, but watch out a stronger Omega Dragon!
  • ???:Hi!
  • Mystery:Who's there? Blue! And a Mimic Green Enzime?
  • Green:I'm not a random Mimic Green Enzyme! I'm the Green from Test Subject Arena!
  • Foreman the Engineer:Yeah, u just appeared as a playable character in a spin-off!
  • Foreman the Rich:Hi, Mystery, friend , mayor. I'm happy to see you back in our base. We also need help defeat some pirates...
  • Mystery:OK, I also know choose an ending.Let me choose the ending Axiy and Lilonow please.OK?

RT Garry.png Chapter X The last, last fight[edit | edit source]

  • Mystery:OK,guys. The pets will stay protected in the base.Me and Axiy will user the Mechasaur tank. Foreman and Lilonow will stay in the 2nd tank, what is a normal tank...of course, we will upgrade our weapons! I buy the Gossip.
  • Foreman the Rich:What? Gossip? Ummm... The Pirate Commander is back and got a crew with 125 engineers... The 1st tank is big, the 2nd more big, the 3rd more big than the 2nd... The Pirate Commander have the biggest tank...
  • Mystery:OK... I upgreade my tank. Guys, do u upgrade something?
  • Axiy: I need an ultra laser for Mechayin.
  • Mystery: Pets don't come with us! Does someone want something? No? OK! Let's go!

Mission started.

  • Mystery:Look! The 1st tank!

Mystery used his Mechasaur tank's laser. The enemy tank exploded and the enemy engineer ran away.

  • Foreman the Engineer:Catch him!
  • Mystery:Let him alone! When you destroy an enemy tank in the game Steamlands, the engineer don't die, he run away.
  • Foreman the Engineer:OK...
  • Axiy: Hey look some more paint blowers to help us.
  • Axiy's Twitter Paintblower: We're coming to help!
  • Axiy's Youtube Paintblower: We attack him with pixel blocks!
  • Axiy: Bombs array!

The paintblowers and Axiy in his Miner Canary suit get new weapons.

  • Axiy: Another tank!
  • Mystery:I destroy it! (shoot).Haha, I beat him!
  • Foreman the Engineer:Look, a tank with a Saboteur, a Grappler and a Repair man!
  • Mystery:And have VIPs... Look up! We need the VIPs to can be ended te story.
  • Foreman:How we take them?
  • Mystery:Let's attack just the Engine room. After it explodes, all blocks what don't explode will go up and fall down. We will catch the VIP room before it fall down. If it don't touch the ground the VIPs will don't leave the room.
  • Foreman the Engineer: We also need the saboteur,the grappler and the repair man to can finish story.
  • Axiy's Youtube Paintblower: Captain, the group of small tanks attack in 3 seconds.
  • Axiy: It's a trap!
  • Axiy's Twitter Paintblower: ATTACK THEM!

Axiy and his paintblowers attack the small tanks.

  • Axiy's Twitter Paintblower: Whew, we almost died.
  • Axiy: I better get Mechayin.

Mechayin comes.

  • Axiy: Ok, help us destroy those tanks.

More tanks come then a bears hand punches one of those tanks and one of those tanks exploded and caused some other tanks to get hit.

  • Axiy: Tim?
  • Tim: The show didn't take a long time.

Rahamas Rhino's come and crush more tanks.

  • Axiy: Rahama?
  • Rahama: Indeed.

Admiral Ackbar shoots a laser and destroys all those tanks later other tanks will come.

  • Axiy: Admiral Ackbar?
  • Admiral Ackbar: Yes, it is me.
  • Mystery:The Pirate Commander...

File:Big Tank.png

  • Pirate Commander:So, u destroyed so many tanks? Hehehe...
  • Mystery:Take this!
  • Foreman:MYSTERY WAIT!

Mystery used the Mechasaur tank's laser, but the laser reflected to the tank, causing it's explode.

  • Mystery:Ouch... Axiy, let's run to Foreman's tank!
  • Axiy: Mechasaur Tank = Destroyed! ):
  • Mechayin: How dare you destroy my friends tank.
  • Pirate Commander: Mechayin?
  • Mechayin: Yep, you we're the bully in my class and now I take revenge!

Axiy gets a radio and turns on Eye Of the Tiger music.

  • Pirate Commander: I will bully you all AGAIN!
  • Tim: Who are you? Oh nevermind.
  • Mechayin: Look a tongue!
  • Troll: Take that for messing with the wikians, they said they will make a nice park. Axiy will paint the grass and trees.
  • Axiy: But anyways thanks for taking a block away now that is it's weak spot.

Axiy shoots a bullet at the weak spot then it just goes up and down and is damaging the 2 blocks around it.

  • Lilonow: That will take a long time.
  • Axiy: Is that a river of Acid over there?

Toxic comes.

  • Axiy: Did one of the factories explode?
  • Toxic: Yes, but I just finished my expiriment.
  • Axiy: What is it?
  • Toxic: This is gonna blow you're mind, AN ACID GUN! It can destroy anything exept for gold.
  • Axiy: The enemy tank is made out of gold but destroy the weak spots, watch out the valentine almost got the weapon.

The Valentine almost got the weapon but it hit Toxic instead.

  • Axiy: Here a Heart.
  • Toxic: Is this some kind of joke?
  • Axiy: What do you mean?
  • Toxic: A valentine hit me and you gave me a heart.
  • Mystery:The Saboteur come!
  • Foreman:Be careful! Do not destroy his room because we need him!
  • Mystery:We also need th repair man, the grappler nd the VIP... Remember how we must toke him ? (read somewere where we found the Pirate Commander tank).

In this time the Saboteur gone to destroy one of Foreman tank's block.

  • Foreman:Not so fast!
  • Saboteur:Ouch! I must go to my room!

Saboteur ran to his room.

  • Troll: Stop!

The troll used its tongue and grabbed the Saboteur.

  • Saboteur: Help!

Toxic accidently shoots some acid under the saboteur and makes the saboteur sweat.

  • Saboteur: So hot.
  • Tim: Woops.

Time spills a bowl of gravy on the Saboteur then the Troll get's hungry.

  • Troll: Can't eat, must not eat.

Rahama gets hungry also and all the other pets exept for the enzymes.

  • Axiy: Don't eat him, we need him.

The tanks pirates make a crate to trap Axiy.

  • Axiy: Uh oh.

Tim spills potato's and gravy on the crates and everybody comes to eat the food but also breaks the crate.

  • Axiy: That was a good accident.
  • Mystery:Idea!

Mystery went to Foreman's tank and shot in a weak point of Commandee's tank causing all man block going in different directions.

  • Mystery:Catch the VIP room! Don't let it touch the ground.

Foreman catch the VIPs and toke the man blocks.

  • Pirate Commander:Noooo!
  • Mystery:YAY!!! Shoot to the room with TNT!

Foreman shot and Pirate Commander's tank emploded.

  • Commander:I'll be back!
  • Mystery:Run away from my front!

The Commander entered in one of his minion's tank and ran away.

  • A photographer:Come here! I must take a photo of the heroes for the newspaper!

File:Ending of the great journey.png

  • A photographer:Smile!

The photographer toke a photo!

  • Rahama: Look alot of people are surrounding us and they're holding torches.
  • Axiy: I think I get it Mystery made alot of bases around the world and that annoyed them and cruise ships couldn't be sold anymore because Robearcop will arrest them and people are trapped in their own countries and they can't even use airplanes.
  • Untesty: They look really mad.
  • Lilonow: Wait a second, we forgot Notesty, he ran away with Notesty.
  • Robotic Rahama: CALCULATING, that's everybody in the world.
  • Axiy: We can't just kill them.

Axiy gets his pig cannon but doesn't work that well and he gets away with Lilonow, Untesty Rahamas and Foreman.

  • Axiy: I think they're all against Mystery.
  • Lilonow: We better help him.
  • Axiy: But if we help him the whole world might be against us.
  • Untesty: We need to secretly help him.

At one of Mystery's base.

  • Mystery:Happy to see you again my 6 pets.
  • Notesty:A lot of people come with torches.
  • Mystery:I will warn them, if they don't go me, Foreman the Engineer and my soldiers will attack them with the tanks.
  • Foreman the Engineer:We forgave our friends!
  • Mystery:They said are agains me. I hope they will change their mind.
  • Arthur Gasket:I repaired the Mechsaur tank.
  • Mystery:Let's attach your room and other gunds, blocks and Man blocks to it! Mechasaur Tank 3000!

Everything turns back normal and Axiy calls Mystery on his phone.

  • Axiy: Hey Mystery, I let you use my Steamlands fanart blocks from my blog so you can make a tank out of it. And I will build a town from my land.
  • Mystery: Good!

Mystery used the fanarts and transformed the Mechasaur Tank 3000 in 4000!

  • Mystery:Thamks, Axiy! Now I need more help! The people gets angry because of my bases. Please come here and help me destroy these haters.
  • Axiy: But that's like the whole world the human species can extinct or I will just go to the sea and mindcontrol them.

An angry man came and shooted Mystery.

  • Man:I killed him! !!!Wait... Is invincible!?

After this, everyone renounced to attack Mystery, because can't die.

  • Man: Why won't you die?

The man keeps on attacking Mystery until Axiy came and braincontrolled all of the people exept Mystery. Then Axiy goes back to his house.

  • Axiy: Ahh, home sweet home now I gotta work on some stuff.
  • Mystery:I go to my house, located in my Central base.C'mon pets!

THE END[edit | edit source]

Or is it?