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Triffids are enemies from Graveyard Shift.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

These enemies are plant-like creatures that have a brown-yellowish flower with teeth as a head with a stem extending down to its round green body. Multiple green roots are wrap around and stick out from the bottom and two green vines that resemble arms wave upwards.

Game information[edit | edit source]

Triffids are an enemy introduced in level three of Graveyard Shift. They fire dangerous projectiles that poison and damage. They also have more health than regular zombies but walk slower than them. Triffids are often seen walking a short distance left before firing. They take a few seconds longer to fire their poison balls than the zombies firing their slime balls. Triffids are also not capable of immediately firing another poison ball at the player after firing one poison ball.

Triffids, due to their high health and dangerous projectiles, are commonly encountered in a group of two, or just one single triffid. Triffids are not that common in Graveyard Shift, and in later levels are found residing in holes where they will periodically stick their head up, fire a poison ball at the player, and retreating back into the hole for safety. While in the hole, they can only be damaged by grenades and are unable to walk away from the hole.

Other appearances[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]