User:The Mysteryous user/Nitrome Winter Story

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  • The Characters can be ONLY the users of this wiki, their pets or Nitrome characters fro m various Nitrome games.
  • Don't use offensive words.
  • Do not add offensive situations,racism,keep the story clean.
  • Don't make random things happens, how stuff exploding randomly, things falling from sky without a reason, etc. Also, use good sense, and don't do, for example, just bad or good things happening.
  • Put bullets (*) before the characters' name when he talks.
    • TMU: Like that.
  • Feel free to add images done by you and have fun!
  • Important: Anyone can edit the story, hwo much time he/she respects the rules.
  • If you edit,plz add your user name and the nickname for the story in the user list.

User list[edit | edit source]

  • The Mysteryous user aka TMU
  • Austincarter4ever aka AC4E
  • Random-Storykeeper aka RSK
  • Santiago Gonzales Martin aka Santi-Zapo
  • Klemen702 aka Klem
  • TinyCastleGuy aka TCG

Pets list[edit | edit source]

  • Blueboy
  • Squish

Nitrome characters list[edit | edit source]

NOTE: If a character left the main group,please type "away" in the list.


Prologue[edit | edit source]

20th December - snowy

It was one beautifull day on the Nitrome wiki comunity. RSK,Santi-Zapo,AC4E are playing in the snow while waiting the X-mas day.

  • RSK: I can't wait!
  • Santi-Zapo: Nor me!
  • RSK: Only a few days left! Hey,let's go to Nobody's wooden hosue located in the Nevereverest Mountain!
  • Klem: Ok.

And the users travel,and finnaly arrived at the Nevereverest mountain.

Chapter I: A dangerous journey[edit | edit source]

  • AC4E: I do not want to dissapoint you...But the path to looks dangerous...
  • RSK: No worries. There are only a few kilomitres... And his house is on the top of the mountain.Piece of cake!
  • Klem: ... I'm just gonna stay here and eat something,good luck you all!

Sometime later when the remaining wikians were climing

  • AC4E: Aurg this is to hard! Why haven't they never built some cable cars here?
  • RSK: Don't worry! i think we are-

-RSK get's hit on her foot by a rock without noticing-

  • RSK: OUCH!

-Snow comes down from that loud scream-

  • RSK: Great...

Sometime later again when the wikians finaly came to Nobody's house.

  • Nobody: Hello what happened to you?
  • AC4E: We were climbing the mountian
  • Nobody: You do know we have cable cars right?
  • AC4E: WHAT????? 
  • Nobody: Please use them next time!

Chapter II: TMU's arrival[edit | edit source]

The next day...

21th December

  • AC4E: Someone's knocking at the door!
  • Nobody: Who coult it be?
  • RSK: He is wearing a mask and a weird,but cool fashioned and classic hat.
  • AC4E: OMG! A robber! Do something Santi!
  • Santi-Zapo: B...
  • AC4E: Hy-yaaaa!
  • Nobody: Wait don't!
  • AC4E: Take that!
  • TMU: Why are you hitting the snowman?
  • AC4E: What are you doing here?
  • TMU: A little visit. I am glad we meet again after 3 years.
  • RSK: I hope you didn't have trouble climbing, heh :D
  • TMU: No,the skywire cable cars are VIP class.
  • AC4E: ...

TMU enters the house.

  • Nobody: Hello! I haven't seen you for years!
  • TMU: Yeah, so long time.


  • Klem: I will go meet the wikians at the top of the mountian.

To be continued