Destructible objects (Worm Food)

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This article is about destructible objects from Worm Food. For destructible objects from other games, please see Destructible objects.

Destructible objects are objects in Worm Food placed above ground that can be destroyed by the giant worm. Destructible objects consists of villagers, animals, structures, and idols.

Villagers[edit | edit source]

Fishermen[edit | edit source]


This article is about fish from Worm Food. For fish from other games, please see Fish.

Fishermen are a type of villager and appear as a dark green boy sitting in a dark green boat over water holding a fishing rod over the side. Fisherman grant 100 points when eaten.

Witch doctors[edit | edit source]

Witch doctors are a type of villager and take the form of a mask that bobs up an down. Witch doctors are immobile and are usually found residing on high points or rooftops of buildings.

Creatures[edit | edit source]

Seagulls[edit | edit source]


This article is about seagulls from Worm Food. For seagulls from Mutiny, please see Seagulls (Mutiny).

Seagulls are appear as small white circles when perched and when they fly they spread their small wings which are grey on each end. Seagulls are normally encountered on the ground and do nothing, but when the giant worm approaches they fly away.

Mini fish[edit | edit source]


This article is about fish from Worm Food. For fish from other games, please see Fish.

Mini fish swim around in water horizontally back and forth among other fish and do not at all try to flee from the player. Fishermen are often located nearby trying to catch them, although they never do.

Structures[edit | edit source]

Camp fires[edit | edit source]

Camp fires appears as two small sticks in an X formation that have a small flame burning where the sticks intersect. Villagers will commonly walk close to the fire or stand near it, likely for warmth.

Cliff tree huts[edit | edit source]

Cliff tree huts are usually located at the bottom of platforms, and sometimes on the side. The trees vary from appearance, but are seen to hold big huts, small huts, and the back of big huts (as shown in the picture on the right). They can be destroyed when the giant worm leaps down the side of a platform. No villagers are seen on the huts.

Windmills[edit | edit source]


This article is about wind from Worm Food. For wind from other games, please see Wind.

Windmills are positioned on the ground, and usually where villagers are. Windmills are the size of two huts and their propeller turns clockwise. They cannot at all harm the giant worm.

Huts[edit | edit source]

Hut are buildings that the Stone Tribe live in. There are two types of huts: big huts and small huts. A third hut also exists, but it is just a big hut shown from the back.

Fences[edit | edit source]

Fences appear as several vertical sticks pointing out of the ground, with a stick placed across the tops of the vertical sticks. Fences often appear in lines. Despite made to be a barrier, villagers cannot walk on it.

Pots[edit | edit source]


This article is about pots from Worm Food. For pots from other games, please see Pots.

Pots are a edible object in Worm Food.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Pots appear circular, with a funnel like top. Pots are small, and can be misidentified as a box when going fast.

Game information[edit | edit source]

When a pot is eaten, the player gets 25 points. It is located outside of houses, found on the ground.

Power poles[edit | edit source]

Power poles are an edible object in Worm Food.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

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Game information[edit | edit source]

A power pole powers the energy pole it is connected to. When hit, it destroys the energy pole and rewards the giant worm with 100 points. It can only be hit while digging in the ground.

Idols[edit | edit source]

Idols are objects which are made and placed near huts. They have white markings on them, and are often made of stone and are shaped to look like something. They harder to destroy than usual structures, and are much more bulkier than them, taking multiple whacks at to destroy.

Big idols[edit | edit source]

Big idols are edible objects in Worm Food.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Big idols appear as gigantic stacks of stones with faces on them. It appears that they were dedicated to some type of god, but have not been cleaned and repaired, as one large idol is broken and partially destroyed.

Game information[edit | edit source]

There are two types of idols, a human shaped idol and a head shaped idol. They both give the same amount of points when destroyed - 250 points. They cannot be destroyed by one hit, instead they have to be hit three times to be destroyed.

The player only receives the points when the Idol is destroyed. Idols will considerably lower the player's speed when it is hit. When the player hits an Idol, they will be pushed down in the direction they came.

Little idols[edit | edit source]

Little idols are an edible object in the game Worm Food.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

It appears as a shield held between two animal teeth via rope. The shield has a face painted on it, probably representing one of the tribe's gods. It is possible it is also a gong.

Game information[edit | edit source]

The little idol does not have any special properties, it can just be devoured for 25 points.

Idol poles[edit | edit source]

Idol poles are an edible object in Worm Food.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

It appears as a giant spear sticking out of the ground. The power pole has an almost the exact appearance of the idol pole.

Game information[edit | edit source]

The idol pole has a spear that will not harm the giant worm when contact is made, instead, it will be destroyed by the giant worm and yield 25 points.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Since the fisherman is worth 25 points, that means the boat is worth 75.
  • Rarely, the flickering of a torso with arms and legs will appear below the witch doctor's mask. The witch doctor may even step upon the ground and walk around, before returning back to his original state.
  • Strangely, fire does not hurt the giant worm when devoured, despite being able to harmfully burn objects in real life. The giant worm may be unaffected by it possibly due to some property of its inside body.
  • If an idol is hit from underground, when hit, they push the worm back underground with its head pointed down.