Interactive objects (Worm Food)

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This article is about interactive objects from Worm Food. For interactive objects from other games, please see Interactive objects.

The game Worm Food has very little interactive objects, these objects barely even fitting the category of interactive objects. These objects cannot be destroyed, but can somehow be interacted with by the giant worm. Below is a list of these interactive objects.

Bridges[edit | edit source]


This section is about bridges from Worm Food. For bridges from other games, please see Bridges.

A bridge

Bridges are an indestructible object in the game Worm Food.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

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Game information[edit | edit source]

Bridges cannot be eaten (or in other case, destroyed). The giant worm can only fall through the bridge, and eat the villagers on it. They are placed between two vertical-stretching platforms, the bridges varying in size. Often they are above other bridges, who in turn are often above water.

Sacred trees[edit | edit source]

Sacred trees are interactive objects in Worm Food. They have some affiliation with the witch doctors.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

They appear as trees with large trunks, and roots that are above ground. The trees have a small green glow around them, and green energy is seen surging up through them.

Game information[edit | edit source]

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As the name says, the trees are sacred. When the giant worm goes up to one, its glow will push the worm away. The worm has to be fast to destroy it. Sacred trees have to be destroyed; along with the rest of the villagers in the level they are in.

Water[edit | edit source]


This section is about water from Worm Food. For water from other games, please see Water.

Water is a interactive object in Worm Food.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

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Game information[edit | edit source]

The giant worm can survive in water without having to take a breath. Mini fish swim in the water, and fishermen sit in their boats on top of the water. Archers on fish ride in the water, but when they do, no mini fish or fishermen are seen in or on the water.

Since water is found between two walls, the giant worm can enter water through or wall, or vice versa. Water acts similar to the ground the giant worm tunnels through.

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • It is rather odd the giant worm can eat the villagers on the bridge, but not the bridge itself. Since the villager is walking on the bridge, it makes no sense for the giant worm to not destroy it. However, when the worm goes to the bridge, it passes over it, making even less sense. Possibly it was made like this to put some difficulty into the game.