Boys (Mutiny)

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Boys are the first group of enemies the pirates encounter in the game Mutiny.

Appearance[edit | edit source]

Boys have a light blue coloured bandanna, and are wearing a pink-grey and white shirt. The captain wears a pirate hat with skull and crossbones instead of a bandanna.

Game information[edit | edit source]

The boys are fought on a stage that has a island in the middle and two boats on either end. Three boys are present, while the player has five pirates.

Strategies[edit | edit source]

The regular members of the boys do not exhibit any sort of strategy, they seem to act like regular, strategy-less troops. The captain of the boys, on the other hand, seems to exhibit suicidal strategies. The captain will often get very close to the player's troops, then deploy cherry bombs at close range, which often result in damage to the player's member but also damage to the captain.

With the captain's lone one dynamite, he will often use this at a distance or at close range. Despite it being safer for the captain to attack at long range, away from the player's troops, the captain seems to enjoy getting close to the player's troops and attacking, despite this always resulting in damage, and rarely ever attacks from long range.

Location[edit | edit source]

Below is a map of the level the boys appear on. The blue squares are the boys, while the number above each blue square corresponds to the inventory card in the weapons section. The map is how it is seen at the start of the level.


Weapons[edit | edit source]

All boys have infinite Cherry Bombs except for the captain, who has one Dynamite.

Walkthrough[edit | edit source]

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Quotes[edit | edit source]

We're no boys! I had a couple of hairs only last month on me chin, just ask me mum!

The Boy captain in the prologue in the level, in reply to the pirate captain.

That was fun! Just like a Nitrome video game! LOL!

A boy when the player is defeated.

Gallery[edit | edit source]

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The reason for the unusual and completely off-topic message a boy will say when the player is defeated on level one is because, as the player obviously outnumbers and is smarter than the opposing team, Nitrome expects for players of the game to pass this level without dying once. As this message would only be glimpsed if one were to kill his/her own pirates, an action like this difficult to do unless one were to deliberately suicide all their members. Nitrome likely thought a message like this would only be seen by a few people.
  • The fact that they are children may be a reference to the infamous pirate Captain William Kidd.